Laksh Maheswari the hearth robe of all girls and the hottest businessman till date who is notorious for his cold-hearted personality unknowingly falls for an innocent angel in form of a person, that is Ragini Gadodia. What will happen if his passion...
Maheswaris industries Laksh was sitting in his cabin checking on the files and signing the contracts of his business clients. Just then ruhi entered into his cabin smirking along with a number of files to be approved by laksh. She was wearing a flower printed black dress and white coloured heels.
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She looked at laksh dreamily and cleared her throat. " don't u know the simple ethics of knocking the door before entering my cabin ruhi or u have left your brain on the way here while spending hours to dress yourself?"asked laksh nearly tightening his fist looking at her.
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Ruhi widened her eyes as she felt offended. She looked at him as she came forward. "sorry voh laksh... Sorry sir!! I was just in a rush that I forgot to knock and yeah sir here u go with the files u need to sign! "handed ruhi the files all the while her gaze fixed on laksh's super hot manly features and body. She was drooling over him and was finding ways to execute her plans of flirting with laksh and make him hers. " voh sir do u need anything else u can feel free to ask sir! "she said smiling while laksh just shot a glare at her. "no thanks and by the way if I need anything I would inform so Now if u are done out! "he growled and got back into his files leaving an annoyed ruhi behind. All laksh could hear was the click clacking of her heels while she walked out of his cabin mumbling under her breath. She sat on her chair looking frustrated. "how the hell am I going to make him mine. Shit he is definitely a hard nut to crack but I have to do something soon!" she exclaimed anger visible in her while she hit her fist in the table.
Maheswari mansion The mansion has now started to look more lively and was decorated just like a royal mansion perfect for a wedding. The maheswaris were all ready to carry on with the necessary ceremonies for raglak's marriage as the following day will be raglak sangeet ceremony. Ragini was looking adorable in a sorcerous beige floor length anarkali with golden embroidery work.
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