Laksh Maheswari the hearth robe of all girls and the hottest businessman till date who is notorious for his cold-hearted personality unknowingly falls for an innocent angel in form of a person, that is Ragini Gadodia. What will happen if his passion...
" laksh? " dp called making him to tighten his fist. He got up as he turned to look at all the police men who were standing still. Laksh walked towards them as he stood infront of them. " inspector Saab... My son is not at fault... My bahu is in a verge of getting killed... It's not him ..its not" before dp could end his sentence the inspector stopped him as he looked at laksh. There was a silence prevailing in MM. All of sudden all the police officers stood straight saluting . " At your service sir! " the police officers said in union shocking the maheswaris. Sanksar and adarsh stood up while dp stumbled abit. Sumi and dadi looked on confused while ap parted her lips. Pari and swara stood utter shock. " at your.. Your service? " sanskar asked while the inspector looked at dp . " yes Mr sanskar maheswari.. He is laksh maheswari... Assistant commissioner of police " he said making the maheswaris to look on stunned. Laksh was looking straight while his eyes showed pure arrogance, anger and revenge. Adarsh held laksh's shoulder as he made him turn. " laksh.. U are an assistant commissioner of police and u didn't ..didnt even tell any of us... " adarsh asked while the others were waiting to hear his reply. " haan I am. I have been under an undercover mission. Aditya was with me throughout my passion of becoming a police officer. It was just a mere cover up for me to get into boxing.. And it was necessary for me to find all the criminals... Nobody tend to realise that I was an officer and this was much more easier for me to catch my prey and in the process I found someone special. And ragini was the easy target for two most important criminals and thus me being her husband was the best way to keep her safe. I have been keeping an eye on her, on her every movement just to keep her safe which unknowingly made me realise that I fell in love. Soon enough, Aditya's dead news made me devastated and that's y I made my decision of being away from the police department and in return made myself busy with the maheswaris industries... And Mr durga Prasad maheswari... Aditya was innocent and u were and still will be the reason behind me losing Aditya. But the real reason behind his death was not an accident but a planned murder. And me being a police officer was to find the real culprit behind his murder. I have been working on this case and I have tracked down my Aditya's murderer . I have appointed all my highly trained officers to gather all the informations and recent encounters. Little did I know that the person is capable of doing something worst by harming my lifeline. " laksh said as he let his tears roll down on his cheeks. The police officers lowered down their head as they felt bad for him. Seeing a senior police officer who stood still in the hardest time for the department being all helpless was making the others feel guilty. " sir we can compromise with the department and help you out with finding ragini ma'am! " one of the police officers suggested but laksh stopped them ." I can handle them rajat... Let me face them. " said laksh tightening his jaws. Rajat and the rest of the officers nodded as they saluted again leaving MM. The maheswaris cane forward as they looked at laksh who was looking at the blank space.
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Ap came towards laksh as she cupped his face. " I didn't know that u have been bottling up this much pain beta. I am sorry.. I don't deserve to be called as a maa as I can't even understand my son's feeling. I an sorry beta.. But I am proud of my son.. He is an assistant commissioner of police..jao beta jao.. Go bring back my daughter... " ap said as she kissed his forehead hugging him. Laksh too broke down as he hugged his mom sniffing. Sanskar and swara smiled amidst their tears. Laksh pulled out from the hug as he kept both his palms together. " I Am sorry maa.... I am sorry. Why didn't anyone stand for my Aditya.. Why??? If only one of u stood for me.. I wouldn't have been in this state.. Loosing my only support which is Aditya who supported me for my passion... Why why didn't u all think once before?? I can't lose my ragini just like I lost Aditya.... "his voice trailed off as he cried more. Pari came towards laksh as she consoled him. Dp stood in a corner as he teared not being able to forgive himself for his actions. And now he is paying the price for his deeds. Laksh who saw dp standing alone walked towards him as he held both his hands together. Dp looked at laksh shocked while ap kept her palm on her mouth trying to stop her sob. " I Am sorry papa. I need time to forgive u... But it's not right to stay angry on someone too long. Enough of five long years of silence.. Ragini always wanted me to forgive u when she was around here. But I refused. Now her life is in stake.... And she is not here to witness this..... I need everyone's support and prayers for my ragini... Please! " he begged as he broke down completely.