Chapter Five: I love you

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The whole crowd was quiet, not a single word was whispered; not a single breath. Except the laughter that erupted from the girl as she literally fell to the ground; laughing. Xavier looked down at her with a deadly glare, his fists clenched to his side.

"Wynter..." He trailed off in a deadly voice.

Wynter looked up at him with an innocent look. "Yes, dear brother of mine?"

Xavier started to laugh and helped his little sister up. Wynter was shocked a bit but she found herself laughing, too.

"You're so grounded," Xavier chuckled and looked down at her with one of his signature smirks.

Wynter gaped at him, her mouth wide open as she stared at him in shock.

"You fucking serious!?"

"Language, missy." She groaned.

"Sorry," she mumbled. Naomi starred at her and Xavier with amusement.

She didn't think his sister would do that but Xavier handled it pretty well, too. The pack soon started to talk once again as the tension around them decreased.

"You're grounded for a week, meaning you can't leave the house. Jace will make sure to pick you up after school and take you straight to the house, understood?" He replied as he quirked an eyebrow at his sister.

Wynter groaned, tilting her head back and looked back up at him.


"Good, " he waved a hand to Naomi; signaling her to come over. She smiled and bid goodbye to Linda before making her way to Xavier.

Xavier wrapped his arm around her waist; pulling her close to his side.

"Wynter, this is Naomi; my mate." Wynter looked at her with a big grin.

"You're so pretty! My brother is lucky to have you," Wynter replied as she starred in awe at Naomi.

Naomi laughed softly as she felt her cheeks burn. "Thank you, you're pretty as well."

Wynter smiled and shook her head. "It was nice to meet you, but I should leave you two alone."

She smiled and made her way to the small group of girls that were laughing. Naomi looked up at Xavier and pecked his lips.

"This is really great, thank you. They treat me as if I were family," a small smile crept onto her face. Xavier smiled and kissed the top of her head, tingles spread all over their bodies by the simple touch.

Xavier looked at her brown eyes. "Packs are meant to be family, we all are a family."

Naomi nodded and rested her head on his chest, her eyes rested on his pack; their pack.

"I love you, Naomi."

She turned her head and looked up at Xavier who was starring down at her.

That was the first time he has said that, and she felt beyond happy; butterflies erupted in her stomach.

"I love you too." He smiled and held her close, his head rested on his shoulder as they both watched the party.

They couldn't have been happier. Xavier started to tease her neck as his teeth began to nibble. Naomi suppressed a moan and hit his stomach teasingly.

"Not here," she moaned softly. Xavier chuckled and left a kiss on her collarbone.

"Soon, you will carry my mark and everyone will know you are mine." Xavier replied in a whispered tone.

Naomi glanced at him with a smile plastered on her face.

"I will always be yours and only yours."

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