Chapter Two: A kiss

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Naomi starred at the man, aghast. She couldn't believe it, she found her mate. She was beyond happy. So many emotions ran through her that she didn't know what to do. The man held her close, his head nestled in her neck, sniffing her scent. The sweet smell of raspberries and pomegranate made him inhale even more, it was like a drug to him and his wolf. She was his drug, his high. Naomi carefully wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his chest, hearing the beat of his heart go faster and faster.

She giggled, the man lifted his head up and quirked an eyebrow at her. A smirk plastered on his lips.

"What's so funny?"

"I can hear your heart beat go faster and faster, are you nervous? Do I make you nervous?" She smirked, knowing she was right.

He looked at her, a smile broke out as he kissed her cheek. No doubt, her cheeks turned bright red from his soft touch, his soft lips making contact on her cheek made her shiver. He chuckled softly, knowing the effect he had on her.

"Yes, you do. Now, what's your name my angel?" He touched her cheek softly, tingles shooting through her body at his touch and she loved it.

She loved having him close to her, having to feel his touch, everything about him she loved. Her wolf yipped in happiness, she wanted to take him right then and there. She pushed her wolf's dirty thoughts away as she focused back to her mate.

"Naomi," she said softly. 

The man nodded, a smile still plastered on his lips. She's so damn beautiful, he thought. He opened his mouth but was interrupted by people shuffling their way out of the booth.

He turned his attention towards the people—no, his pack members, his expression showing clear signs of annoyance as he starred at them both. Linda and Jace averted their gazes to the ground as they bowed and mumbled alpha to him.

Naomi's eyes widened slightly, she didn't think she would be mated to an alpha. Either way she didn't care, all she cared about was him, her mate; that's all that mattered.

"Jace, Linda, may I have a moment with my mate." He demanded through gritted teeth.

Jace and Linda quickly bowed and left, harsh whispers leaving from their mouths. Naomi quirked an eyebrow in amusement, the man sighed and looked back at his mate, his annoyed expression long gone.

"I'm Xavier James—" he began but was cut off by Naomi.

"Xavier James, Alpha of the Nightshade pack. I've heard a lot about you," Naomi smiled. 

Xavier quirked an eyebrow and chuckled.

"Seems like I'm quite famous then," he smirked, cockily.

Naomi shook her head, rolling her eyes playfully at his cockiness. He wrapped his arms around her small waist and pulled her close to his chest, planting a kiss on her forehead. She sighed in pure bliss, her wolf purred.

"Is your shift over?" His husky voice called out, snapping Naomi back into reality.

She nodded. "Yea, but I need to get home."

"That's where we are going, I want to present you to the pack."

"Isn't a little too early? I mean, we just met and I think we should take it easy," she replied.

Xavier scoffed, he wanted to show his mate off to his pack, their pack. He wanted to mark what was his and finish the mating process as soon as possible, his wolf on the other hand, agreed with him. 

"No. It's perfect timing, I want them to meet their new luna."

Giggles were heard as Naomi shook her head amusingly. 

"Well, I need to get home and change then. Don't want to make a bad impression with the pack now do I?" She joked, earning a chuckle from Xavier.

He grabbed her hand and made their way to the door, Naomi quickly waved at Linda who was staring at the two, sending a wink at her friend.

"No funny business, young lady and use protection!" Linda's laughing was heard in Naomi's head.

Naomi sent a playful glare at her direction but Linda being herself just giggled, laying her head against Jace's chest. After arriving at the parking lot, Xavier took out his car keys and pressed the unlock button. A grey Audi R8 appeared in front of them as Naomi whistled.

"This is your car?" She gasped.

"Yep," Xavier exclaimed, popping the 'p.'

"Well, I actually brought my car to work and so you can just follow me, all right?" She asked, quirking in eyebrow.

Xavier shook his head. 

"All right babe, I'll be right behind you." He lowered himself to her height and locked his lips with hers, her eyes widened in surprised but she quickly composed herself as she began to move her lips against his.

His arms wrapped around her waist as he eagerly devoured her lips, earning a slight moan from her. Wrong move. Quickly, Xavier placed his hands under her bottom, lifting her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. His lips were soft and urgent against hers, trying to express all the feelings he felt for her, she moved her hands to his hair, ruffling through it.

His lips smiled against hers then he pulled away from her but he still had her in his arms. They both were gasping for breathes, both having a huge smile on their face. She gazed into his hazel eyes and he uttered one word to her, "Mine."

She laughed breathlessly and nodded.

"Only yours."

~Theo James as Xavier

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