Chapter Nine

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        Chase paces back in forth in the living room with a very confused Naomi sitting on the couch. He heaves a sigh and runs his hand through his hair that was now in every direction, his eyebrows scrunched together.

             "Okay, I can't keep quiet anymore! What is going on, Chase?" Naomi answers and stood up, placing a hand on his shoulder and gave it a small squeeze. He looks down at her with a pained look and shook his head, averting his gaze from her.

        "I found my mate." He whispers quietly and walked over to the couch to take a seat.

She looks over at him with a very perplexed look as she crosses her arms over her chest, licking her dry lips to moisten them. "So? What seems to be the problem?"

She asks with a quirk of her eyebrow, clearly confused to why the older boy was so distressed. Chase sat himself down on the comfort of the soft cushion sofa and licks his lower lip before gazing at his younger sibling.

        "It's Veronica Greene." He was clearly worried about this because she was the school's slut.

Why did he have to be paired up with someone who doesn't even last a day in a relationship? Someone who is always hungry for sex and only but sex. This was clearly a huge shocker for both siblings. Naomi sucked in a breath before she exhaled, her eyes soften a bit before she clears her throat.

Surely, Veronica had known about this right? She clearly couldn't have ignored him since the bond of two mates is very strong, sometimes even unbreakable.

        "Does she know?" She questions quietly yet hesitantly, not knowing how her sibling might react to it. A shake of his head answered her question and it made her frown.

        "She ignored if I was never there." He croaks and clenches his hands into fists.

Why did this have to happen to me? All I wanted was someone to love and someone who would also love me back, someone who will be by my side for eternity.

His mind swirled with many different questions he had wanted to question with the wolf spirits. Certainly they have made a mistake! It has to be! Naomi held a saddened look on her expressions, her eyebrows furrowed together.

She heaves a sigh and gets up to pull her brother into a hug, causing him to be surprised by the sudden action but hugged her back anyhow.

        "I'm sorry." Chase hugs her back as his strong arms wrap themselves around her, his head rested in the crock of her neck while she ran her hand up and down in back in a comforting way. He soon pulls away from her and gave her a forced smile, his eyes slightly began to well up with salty tears.

Before Naomi could say anything else, he quickly turns around and heads to the back door where he shifted right as he took a step out. His huge grey wolf began to sprint into the woods, disappearing. I guess that is how some werewolves feel after they have been rejected by their own mate who wouldn't?

It is such an unbearable feeling, it's like someone just ripped your heart out and stomped on it over and over again. No one wants to go through that kind of pain. It was considered lucky if a werewolf was able to move on from the rejection, not all of them are as strong as others. Some may even slowly shut down, shutting the whole world around them even their wolves.

The wolf is a huge risk that is on stake when going through a rejection. The human might not even want to interact or shift into their wolf, causing the wolf to slowly lose their strength and spirit until they slowly fade away forever. 

Naomi's thoughts were quickly interrupted by the ringing coming from her phone, causing her to knit her eyebrows in confusion.

        "Hello?" She spoke right after answering the phone.

        "Naomi! Where are you?" A voice spoke through the line which sounded kind of panicked. She frowns and sits back down on the couch as she uses her free hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

        "I'm home. Is something wrong, Xavier?" She was now slightly worried about him. He sounded very off then usual and his voice was deeper than it is.

Before he could respond, a loud smash was heard int the kitchen which caused Naomi to turn her head around, her eyes widen at the sight. She slowly got to her feet and found herself walking to the kitchen slowly, dropping her arm down while doing so.

There were glass pieces everywhere on the floor and to the side was a brick with what looks like a note attached to it. Slowly bending down, she grabs the brick and begins to untie the thin rope that was around the object.

She read over the note and drops the brick onto the floor as her hand flow up to her mouth, tears began to blur her vision. The sound of yelling caused her to snap out of her little trance as she quickly picked up the phone and brought it up to her ear.

        "I-I'm still here but please come home." She whispers softly as she bites her lip.

        "I'll be right over, baby."  The line went dead and she drops the phone as she shakes her head, crumbling the paper and threw it to the other side of the kitchen. She could remember what the words on there clearly said and it terrified her very much knowing that someone was actually watching her.

        I am always watching you, Naomi. You may run but you cannot hide from me, love because I will always be one step ahead of you. It is such a shame that I wasn't able to make my appearance but I promise you that'll happen very soon. I look forward to our meeting and I am sure that you will too. Oh, and one more thing, tell your little mate that his older brother says hi, it would be quite rude not to. Until next time my love xx

                        Yay! I have finally updated! I apoligize for the long wait but I was just so busy with my school work and I also had practices as well, it was hard to find a day to work on the story. Please enjoy, comment and heart it too. Until next time lovelies! ♡♡

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