Ch 8

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I'm going to use Jennie from BlackPink as Min-ah's face claim. I hope you guys are cool with that.

- Author-nim

3rd person P.O.V

"How the fuck did we already lose him?" Yoongi groaned, leaning against the brick wall of a building. The leather of his jacket scraped the maroon bricks, making noise, but he didn't care. He tugged at his black face mask, wanting to remove it but he knew he couldn't or he'd expose himself. Namjoon stood beside him, scrolling through Google Maps on his phone, and Jin paced back and forth. After about thirty minutes of searching, the boys still had no luck of finding Colby. The guy may as well have been wearing an invisibility cloak.

Hoseok stood up from where he was sitting, petting a small grey cat. Earlier, he had walked in on the trio's conversation about Colby, and in order to keep him quiet they let him tag along. Although, not much information was given to Hoseok about the situation. All he knew was that they were following Colby. But hey, he wasn't complaining. It was an excuse to see him more.

"He's an idol, you'd think we'd be able to find him by following fans or something."

"He's young, but he's not stupid." Namjoon muttered, adjusting his snapback. "He's probably wearing a mask."

People walked past, occasionally glancing at the boys. Luckily, they were decently hidden behind hoodies and masks. The small cat, whom Hoseok was earlier petting, stretched out. It stood up, perked it's ears, and walked away, to Hoseok's disappointment.

He watched the kitten leave, and upon watching it walk away, two figures approaching caught his eye.

"Aish, why are we just standing around? We should at least do something-" Yoongi began. He trailed off when he looked where Hoseok was looking. He nudged Namjoon, and he turned his head. The four men fell silent.

"MOCHI!" a young brunette screamed, running up to the kitten and scooping it up into her arms. The small grey cat purred in delight, wrapping its paws around her neck and burying its face into her waist-length hair. She turned around, being careful not to drop her cat. "Oppa, I found him!"

A pink and black blur was seen sprinting in her direction. A tall young man in a pink hoodie that was too big for him, a black snapback, and a panda mask skidded to a halt in front of her, his shoes leaving rubber marks on the concrete. He bent over, hands on his knees, panting.

'I..can' made me... chase after you for a cat! What is wrong with you? Min-ah...." he snapped, panting in between words. He slowly rose up, and yanked his mask down.

Min-ah pouted, holding her cat closer. "He's not just a cat! He's my baby, so that means he's your baby too." She reached up and poked his cheek, making him swat her hand away.

As the four boys watched this interaction, they gritted their teeth. It seems that they were right. Hoseok was the most confused, and found his stomach twisting in a way he didn't recognise. "Guys..? What's going on?" he spoke in a low voice. His eyebrows furrowed and his arms crossed.

"It seems that Colby-ah has a secret girlfriend." Namjoon grunted, dark eyes following his dongsaeng's movements. Colby was groaning and complaining as Min-ah continued to poke and prod at his face.

Hoseok frowned. "Is that why we're here? To spy on him...?" he asked, voice trailing off a bit. Why did he feel so weird about it? He turned his head to Jin, who had been silent this whole time. "Isn't that a little weird? He probably didn't tell us because he was too shy.."

Colby slung his arm around Min-ah, and the duo started walking off in the direction of the mall.

Three out of four men stood there, watching them. Yoongi growled."Well come on, we're already out here, we may as well make sure that our maknae doesn't make any trouble." He started walking off too, Namjoon, Jin, and a slightly hesitant yet curious Hoseok trailing behind him.

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