Chapter 10

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Okay, I’m probably going to continue alternating between 3rd and 1st person pov, but since I find it a little easier to write in 3rd I’m going to be doing that more, since you get an idea of how all characters feel. What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments what you like best.


-> 3 weeks later <-

3rd Pov

In the past few weeks, Colby had been managing to get along with BTS quite well, much better than he expected. The other boys tried their best to get close to him, sometimes going to great lengths to spend time with him alone, which Colby thought was odd. Jungkook and Taehyung would sometimes hide his things in their rooms so he’d have to go and ask them for them back. He didn’t know this, but he never bothered putting the connections together. He had grown especially close with Jin and Yoongi. Jin regularly checked up on him frequently to make sure he was taking his meds and that he wasn’t harming himself anymore, and Yoongi was subtly trying to touch him whenever he could, and had been getting Colby to be alone with him as often as he could.

Hoseok and Namjoon spent their time working with Colby on some new songs. They now had to split up the rap parts among four, and were doing their best to ensure that Colby had equal lines. They would eventually work on a song to feature their new member, but for now they were making sure he knew the dances to their old songs and adjusted them so he could rap in them.

The kiss he had shared with Jimin made him rather awkward around his hyung. Colby was battling his own thoughts, questioning just where exactly his attractions lie. He hated to admit it, but he did feel something when he kissed Jimin that he just couldn’t describe. He almost wanted more. The only problem was, Colby didn't know how to deal with these feelings. After all, Jimin was a guy. And his fellow bandmate. Colby wasn’t religious by any means, but he couldn’t shake that feeling of displacement in his bones. This wasn’t the first time something like this had happened to him, either.

And he might have seemed calm on the outside, but he was not dealing with it well.

“BB-SSI SAVE ME!” a deep voice screeched, before Taehyung flew over the back of the couch and landed right on top of Colby. Colby, being shaken from his thoughts on the couch where he lay, yelped, grabbing anything he could to get his bearings. Unfortunately, the closest thing to him happened to be Hoseok, who was scrolling on his phone. Colby latched onto his leg, tumbling off of the couch with Taehyung, dragging the spooked Hoseok with him.

“WAAH-” Hoseok yelled, sliding off and landing on top of Taehyung, who was currently crushing their startled maknae. Colby, who was on the bottom of this impromptu dogpile, was wheezing, dazed.

“I can’t breathe-” he squeaked, voice not working. Taehyung didn’t seem to notice, and clung to him tighter, fists bunching up his black hoodie.

“Hide me. Please. He’s coming and he’s gonna kill me.” Taehyung rambled, eyes wide in fear. Loud thumping was heard as someone thundered down the hallway, smacking into the wall. Taehyung yelped.

“KIM TAEHYUNG!” a voice boomed, a figure completely coated in a water-flour paste emerging from the dark hall. Jungkook stood there, hair dripping, nothing but boxers on. His entire torso was dripping with water, and a white substance clung to him, covering his face and shoulders. Colby looked up, getting an upside-down view of Jungkook.  

Taehyung looked up at Jungkook, a sheepish grin on his face. “...hi.” he said, giving a small wave. Hoseok glanced up and down Jungkook’s body, a smirk on his face.

“Well, what happened to you?” he asked, leaning back and sitting on Colby’s legs, earning a groan.

Jungkook pointed at V, arching his shoulders to keep the sticky mess from dripping down his back. “He put flour in my hairdryer.” he growled. Taehyung gulped.

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