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      AMELIE CLUTCHED ONTO HER SUITCASE tightly as she waited for her ride at the airport. She was getting picked up by a social worker who would take her to her new home in Hawkins, Indiana. After being in foster care for most of her life, Amelie was ready to have a family. Growing up, Amelie had fantasized about having a family– after living in the foster care system with horrible people, she was praying for a family who would love her. 

"Amelie?" The voice yanked the young blonde out of her thoughts. She smiled at the older women in front of her, peeking out of a car window. She grabbed her duffel bag and got into the front seat.

"You can call me Lee," she began as she put on her seatbelt. 

"Nice to meet you Lee, I'm Miranda." The lady replied as she put the car into drive again and pulling out of the loading zone. "Ready to meet your family?"

"Yes," Lee replied breathlessly. 

"Here," Miranda passed a manila folder to the teenage girl and Lee flipped it open to stare down at a picture of her new family. "Their names are Ronald and Susan Jones."

Amelie Jones. Her new name. 

Lee smiled down at the picture, tracing a finger across the couples faces. They looked so kind and she couldn't be happier that someone in the world wanted her– a teenage girl. After years of being told that no one wants a teenage girl, she was finally chosen

As the trees blurred past, Amelie's heart began to beat fast as small homes began to pop up in between the trees, showing its transition into Hawkins. She was almost home. 

Soon, Miranda parked the car in front of a home and the two sat in the car for a moment. Amelie took the home in, noticing how the cream exterior and the small wooden porch was perfect. As Lee walked up the steps to the quaint house in front of her, she prayed. 

She prayed for a good family who would love her.

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so, as you can tell, amelie (lee) is very naive and a pure, smol bean. 

Deep Red [STEVE HARRINGTON]Where stories live. Discover now