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     AMELIE JONES WAS CONTENT. After growing up in the foster care system, she felt like she was in heaven with her new family. The past months had been wonderful, getting used to parents, Hawkins, and a new high school.

She learned who to befriend and who to avoid, and found herself friends with Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington. They both were an odd pair. When Lee first met the two, they weren't together but a few weeks later, Nancy and Steve got back together. It was strange being a third wheel but Lee didn't mind, she was just happy to have friends.

Lee Jones learned through Nancy and Steve as well as her new parents about what had happened before she got to Hawkins. Two kids disappeared, and only one of them was found. Will Byers went missing and was presumed dead before he was found. Barb Holland, on the other hand, and Nancy's best friend, was never found. And that was what made Lee sympathise for Nancy Wheeler. Her best friend was missing for months and no one knew anything.

Nancy was uncomfortable talking about her friend but Amelie didn't press her for details. She knew it must have been difficult.

Months had passed and it was now October and Lee was at school, waiting for Nancy to arrive. Her mother had dropped her off and she waited by the front for her friend. Throughout the spring and summer, the two girls grew close and Lee had a sneaking suspicion that Nancy was in love with someone other than Steve Harrington. Nancy never admitted it but Lee noticed her gaze would always land on the quiet Jonathan Byers.

"Hey, Nancy." Lee welcomed the girl as they both walked into the halls of Hawkins High School. Lee fell in step with the brunette haired girl, envious of how popular she was as everyone greeted her.

Little did Lee Jones know, she was also popular, everyone amazed at the strange girl with platinum blonde hair and red lips.

"Are you going to the party this weekend?" Nancy asked the blonde as they entered the classroom together.

Lee sighed, glancing at her watch. "I'm not sure, my parents would kill me if they knew I was out."

"Lee," Nancy sighed, turning to her best friend. "Your parents love you. You are the daughter anyone would want. It's your first party– you have to come!"

Lee smiled shyly, excited as Nancy egged her on. She tugged her bag off of her shoulder as she dropped into her seat beside Steve. She sent the good looking boy a shy smile. He looked wearily between the two girls with mischievous smiles before shooting a smirk their way.

Lee Jones was going to her first high school party.

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     AMELIE WAS SITTING WITH NANCY and Steve in the library, studying. Nancy got up from her chair and both Steve and Lee looked up as she went to sharpen her pencil. At first, Lee wasn't bothered but she looked up a minute later to see Nancy vacantly staring off into space. The blonde reached across the table, poking Steve, and gesturing to their friend who was preoccupied as she grinded her pencil into nothing.

"Nancy?" Lee called out quietly, watching as Steve stood up to get his girlfriends attention.

"Nancy! What's going on? Are you okay?" Steve jolted the brunette girl out of her daze and she shook her head, dragging Steve away from Lee and into a quiet room.

Lee sat, watching from a distance as the couple talked to each other before hugging. When the two came out of the room, they sat down in silence. Lee tried looking Nancy in the eye but she ignored the blonde. Her blue eyes glanced at Steve who sighed, shaking his head– telling her not to worry.

But Lee was worried.

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starting off short 'n sweet.

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