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     AMELIE TORE HERSELF AWAY from Steve Harrington despite her desire to continue kissing him. His lips had barely pressed her own when she realised that he had made a mistake.

"What are you doing?" Lee asked in shock, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

It was then, when Steve Harrington was close enough, she realised that he was drunk. You couldn't tell at first in the dark, especially after they danced, but now, his eyes were glazed over as he stared in horror, realising what he had done.

"You're drunk," Lee whispered, looking down sadly at the tipsy teenager. She had thought her first kiss with her crush would be magical— but it was a mistake.

A mistake she knew Steve would soon come to regret.

She knew he did, by the look on his face, and she felt hurt at the sight. His mouth opened and closed as he tried to find the right words to say to the blonde girl. He knew he totally messed up with his friend— Steve didn't even care about Nancy knowing about it. But as seconds went past, he realised that Nancy finding out could be a bad thing. Was Steve ready to give up on Nancy?

"I'm sorry," Steve whispered as Lee stared at her hands. She barely moved but she jolted in surprise as he scooted closer to her, his legs lined up against her own. Lee stood up quickly, knowing that talking about it might make her cry, and leaving Steve alone, was the right thing to do. "I didn't mean to–"

"I-I'm sorry— I-I gotta go." Amelie Jones stumbled over her words. She wasn't drunk but right now, she was embarrassed that she was a rebound.

And Lee fled the darkly lit room, leaving Steve Harrington alone to think.

º   º   º

     AMELIE JONES FLED FROM THE darkly lit room, tears threatening to spill. She slammed into a couple outside the bedroom, muttering an apology at the angry pair who glared at her from disturbing their make out session.

Deep Red [STEVE HARRINGTON]Where stories live. Discover now