Bullying / Chapter One - Hiding It

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It was a fine autumnal day outside and the dark-haired sweater-wearing child walked home in her jeans and boots. "Flowey," Frisk yelled upstairs, hoping someone would yell down. "Are you there?". With no answer, Frisk walked up the wooden stairs, the bottom of her boots clunking against them. "The kids beat me up, again," Frisk started. "I have a few bruises on my arms and legs that I need you to heal before Mom gets home." Frisk stretched her arm out to him and Flowey slowly rolled up her pant leg and sleeves on her sweater. Several black, gray, purple, blue, and green patches got revealed to him. "Alright, hold on." Flowey wrapped his vines around Frisk's arms and legs gently, not wanting to make them ache more. Frisk let out a sigh as the bruising went under her skin and disappeared. "It always impresses me how you do that," Frisk mumbled. She picked up Flowey out of nowhere and carried him down the stairs. "Now, we wait for everyone to get home from work," Frisk sighed. She started to pace around the room, thinking of some lie that she can tell her mother why she was home so early, again. Her pacing got interrupted when she heard some rubber rolling on dried tar. Frisk ran to the front window and saw a 2017 Prius parked in the driveway. Frisk unlocked the door when she saw her uncle get out of it. "The Great Papyrus Is Home!" Papyrus shouted as he marched excitedly through the door. "Papyrus!" Frisk squeeled. She ran over to him and gave him a bone-crushing hug. "Why Are You Home So Early?!" Papyrus asked, loudly. "My friends and I, we.. had a race and,.. I was fast." Frisk said confidently, trying to sound convincing, which wasn't going to be hard around Papyrus. "Wowie!," Papyrus practically screamed, making Frisk jump and Flowey flinch. "I always knew you were fast!". "hey, bro." Someone else spoke in a monotone voice. "SANS! I Told You To Stop Using Those Shortcuts!" Papyrus full-out screamed. Papyrus had told Sans many times before to stop using his shortcuts to scare him. Sans walked to the living room couch and slumped on it. He fell asleep shortly after. "Lazy bones." Papyrus grumbled before heading into his room. Next, a green 2018 Equinox pulls in the parking lot, next to Papyrus' car. "Nyah!" Someone screams as they run through the unlocked front door. "Dydy!" Frisk shouts as she runs toward Undyne with her arms outstretched. Undyne picks up Frisk and holds the child very tightly. "I missed you, too." Undyne whispered. Undyne practically threw Frisk on the ground and Flowey winced. "How come nobody is acknowledging my existence? He asked. "Oh, hey Floe." Undyne said in a calm voice. "H-hey guys." Somebody else mumbled as they stammered through the door. "Alphys!" Frisk yelled as they ran toward her and squeezed her. "Hey, F-Frisk." Alphys stuttered. "I'm going to um.. go in my lab now." Alphys tried to yell, but failed. Alphys sped off in the direction of the basement where her lab is. She was still a scientist, just not The Royal Scientist. After Alphys went to her lab, there was a long silence with Undyne walking around and Frisk and Flowey staring at each other. Undyne groaned and sighed. "Why are you upset?" Frisk asked quietly. "Look." Undyne said as she pointed to the front window by the front door. There outside the window were two cars, but Frisk realized that a black Stretch Limousine had halted to a stop in the driveway. "TonTon!" Frisk wailed. "No." Undyne started. "That is not a good thing." Undyne was never interested in Mettaton or any of his television shows. Now that he was living here with them, it was brutal for Undyne. "Hello, darlings!" Mettaton kicked the door open and strutted in, heeling the door closed behind him. "Hello, Mettaton." Flowey yelled, hoping for people to acknowledge his existence "Hello Frisk and Flowey!" Mettaton hollered. "Is Mettaton Here?!" Papyrus shouted over the sudden clattering of pots and spoons. "Yes, darling!" Mettaton said loud - even for him. Sudden laughter came from the kitchen. Over the clangs of Papyrus, the gears shifting of Mettaton, and Undyne's groaning, the house was pretty noticeably loud. The last two were Toriel and Asgore, who were having a hard time getting back together. They are still neutral friends. Asgore helps Toriel with the gardening and Toriel help Asgore with baking. At least they didn't hate each other. A car door shut behind Frisk. She flinched at the sound. "Asgore, stop banging your horns into the car!" Someone else screamed. "I'm not trying to, Tori!" Somebody else hollered. Frisk's face lit up. "Hello, my child," Toriel smiled. "It is nice to be home." Silence followed, with the exception of Papyrus' banging. "Hello, everyone." Asgore stated before banging his horns into the doorframe. "Ow!". Asgore looked around the room shyly before deciding to attend to the garden. "I will make dinner, now." Toriel said. Toriel rushed off to the somewhat-middle part of the house where the kitchen was. "Papyrus, I'm trying to make dinner!" Toriel yelled. "But Toriel, I already made it!" Papyrus shouted in his usual voice. "That is not dinner!" Toriel shouted quieter. The voices eventually faded out.
Toriel walked in the living room, where everyone else that hasn't left to do something was. "I have concluded," Toriel started. "That I will not make dinner because," she sighed. "Papyrus has already made it." She seemed scared and disappointed. "The Great Papyrus Has Made Dinner!" Papyrus shouted, as on cue of what Toriel said. "I'll get Sans!" Frisk cheered. "I'll get Asgore." Toriel firmly stated with a glare in her eye. "And I Will Get Dr. Alphys!" Papyrus yelled. Frisk  jumped on Sans, who was on the other couch. "Dinner is ready!" Frisk yelled in the same tone. This earned a few groans, nods and bone cracking from Sans.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2017 ⏰

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