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As soon as he was sat down, Lee jumped up with possibly the cockiest grin to ever exist.
"I knew you couldn't handle it! I knew it!!"
Kyle growled as his twin brother continued rubbing it in until snapping finally, "Bite me Lee!! This doesn't prove anything! I don't WANT to handle it! I know my age, unlike you!! If you like this so much why don't you just give in to what he wants completely?? You're a freak like him anyways!!!!" he shouted.
It wasn't until he saw tears in Lee's eyes that he started wishing he could take back his words, not that he'd allow this to show. He was always the more superior twin, he had to keep that title up. Silence settled there for a little while, neither one saying a thing. Finally Lee spoke.
"Did it ever occur to you that I do this to protect you? You're my twin brother Kyle. I'd rather kill myself than let you get hurt, especially by this man. No, I'm not enjoying this, I know my age very well, in all honesty, I want to go home. I want to be with Nicky and hold him and put this behind us. But we can't do that. Until we can, we have to play his rules and seeing as you won't I will."
Kyle sighed softly, "Lee, I-" he was interrupted by Seth hoisting both boys up.
"Ok kiddies, it's bed time. Lee-Bug, daddy will move your crib to my room tomorrow ok?" he cooed. Kyle watched as Lee nodded and willingly talked like a small child would in reply.
"Uh huh daddy, uh huh. But sooned tomowwow kay?"
Seth laughed a little at thus and nodded, "Alright baby boy, alright daddy hears you."
"Wan be wif daddy n bubby!"
"I know you do, but we'll just have to see, my little boys are getting a surprise tomorrow," the twins didn't like the sound of that.
Seth first put Lee in his crib knowing he wasn't going to fight like Kyle would. He changed Kyle into a nighttime diaper and a pair of footie pajamas that was a deep blus and decorated with little cats that, too, looked like they were dressed for bed. He then swapped twins. He also put Lee into the nighttime diaper and into a different set of footies that was a cream like color with little teddy bears holding blankets. He then put Lee in the crib raising a brow.
"Can I trust you two to behave in the same crib while I fix you some bottles?"
The twin brother's traded looks before nodding slowly. Seth seemed hesitant but left them to get a bottle for each boy.
Kyle looked at Lee who refused to meet his eyes. Awkward silence, or at least that's how Kyle viewed it, laid between the two for what seemed to stretch on into the end of time. Finally, finding his tongue, the younger twin started to speak, "Lee, look-" he was once again interuppted by Seth who had returned and quickly scooped up Kyle shoving the bottle into his mouth and offering one to Lee to which he uncertainty took. Kyle glared at Seth.
"Do you mind? We were trying to talk," he hissed out. Seth chuckled gently petting Kyle's cheek with his thumb.
"You two can talk tomorrow, Pumpkin Spice, right now you're grumpy. You might say something you don't mean," he cooed. Kyle's glare got colder, angrier.
"I already ha-" interrupted for the third time today, this time by the tipof the bottle being firmly pressed to his mouth and carried away from Lee. He chewed angrily, ultimently causing a hole it the rubber part. Seth laid him in the crib, turned off the main light, turned on a lamp and got in his own bed.
"Good night baby, daddy loves you," after that only silence aside from the sound of pages turning in a book. It eventually lulled Kyle to sleep.
He woke the next morning to see Seth already dressed, he smiled brightly, "Hi Goo Goo boy! Ready for some fun?"
"Hawdwy....." He grumbled, despite this he was picked up.
"Daddy wants you to be very, very quiet. Bubby may not be up yet. I'll get him up once you're ready if not," he softly cooed carrying him to the changing table. He changed his wet diaper then looked for clothes. Kyle watched Lee in the crib, sleeping peacefully. It was enough to almost make him smile. Of course, Seth had to ruin it.
He slipped a baby blue shirt over him as well as a red pair of overalls, "I would give you the white ones but I wouldn't want you to get them dirty," he cooed and combed through his hair and carried him to the kitchen and buckled him into the highchair to ensure he wouldn't leave. Kyle huffed leaning back. About 6 minutes later, Seth came back carrying Lee who was dressed in a grey shirt and white overalls, his hair hadn't been combed through and one could tell by the bed head look. He was strapped into his highchair next to Kyle and grunted softly as he rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes.
Seth sat a bowl of oatmeal on each tray as well as another bowl filled with dry Cherios, cut up strawberries, cut up banana, and blue berries, "Eat up loves. After this, we're going somewhere fun," he cooed kissing each of the twins forehead before going off, likely to pack a diaper bag. Lee sleepily ate. He felt Kyle's eyes on him and sighed looking over to him, tiredness still evident in his eyes, a clear sign that he didn't get much sleep last night.
"Something wrong?" he mumbled. Kyle shook his head leaning as far as he could to make sure he wouldn't get interuppted.
"Look, Lee, I can see you find get much sleep an-"
"I'm fine," Lee insisted continuing to eat the given breakfast. Kyle sighed crossing his arms.
"No you're not. I can imagine it's due to my word-"
"You might wanna eat soon. Your oatmeal will get cold..." Kyle sighed quickly getting irritated.
"Would you please just stop interrupting me?? Every time I try to-" he groaned as his twin spoke over him, again.
"I'm interrupting you because I know you're sorry. There's no need to apologize if I already know. Personally, I just want to forget about it already," he spit out, maybe a little harsher than he intended, but the words really hurt him. Kyle watched him eat spoonfuls (or as much of a spoonful a baby spoon can hold) of the oatmeal. Kyle sighed giving in and ate as well.
Once they were done, Seth cleaned their faces and hands off, strapped pacifiers to their overalls, and have them bottles before carrying them out to a car. 
"We aren't walking?" Kyle asked raising a brow. Seth shook his head buckling them into car seats.
"No baby, as much as I'd love to, we're going somewhere farther than normal plus it's supposed to rain, so car is our best option," he then buckled Lee in.
There were baby toys scattered about in the back seat and Seth had Disney and Nursery Rhymes playing from the stereo. Kyle mainly watched outthe window boredly. Lee, however, allowed himself to be entertained by the baby items. It started raining about thirty minutes into the ride, but they drove for a near three hours. By the time the car was parked, it was still raining, but not as bad.
Both twins tried to lean in to see where they were but it was merely a building with paintings of flowers, bunnies, and rainbows. They both scrunched their noses up a little, "Here we are babies," he got out going to the trunk to get the stroller then buckled the twins in. He strolled them inside. Their eyes widen, from shock, at the sight.
Thousands of others looking their age to maybe 15 at the youngest, stuck in their same situation, but a majority seemed to be enjoying it, "Let's makemy babies some friends to play with," he cooed pushing their stroller into the sea of people.

(A/n: Finally! I apologize, this is posted later than I wanted it to be, but I couldn't find inspiration. Then I had a dream that I was gonna do with this but then lost interest in that too so here we are at this point.
Now comes the fun part. You, the readers, get to make the twins some little friends. (If you want to of course).
There will be a form at the end of this, I'll keep it as short as I can but ya know good characters take up time, so feel free to add lots and lots of details.
I also want to say that I may not add them all. And if not many people want to do it, then I may use characters from other Ageplay/ Age regression stories.
If you want make a character after the next chapters posted (which is where all these characters will be shown), then that's ok. This likely won't be the only time they meet other littles.
Two final notes before the forms. Firstly, I don't think I'll get to tag you credit for the character you make personally. I'll probably do a group credit giving so if you aren't ok with that then please don't bother. Secondly, remember, lots of detail when filling these out (on the littles especially) and yes, you will need to make a little AND caregiver.


Little's Name:

Little's Age: 15-23 (We can go higher if need be)

Little's Gender:

Little's Looks: (tag me, pm me, describe it, link, whatever)

Little's Personality: (with this I beg you to do unique stuff and this is where I really want the detail. I'm likely not going to accept something like "sweet, bratty, kind, shy, loud". It's not enough. And no over the top "perfect" littles and preferably no suicidal or depressed ones)

Little's Backstory: (not necessary but preferable to have)

Little's Outfit: (same with looks)

Little's Likes: (at least 5)

Little's Dislikes: (at least 5)

Crush: (optional, main if you want it to be one of the boys)

Caregivers Name:

Caregivers Age: (preferably older than the little but doesn't have to be)

Caregivers Gender:

Caregivers Looks: (same as Littles Looks)

Caregiver's Personality: (same as Littles Personality)

Caregivers Backstory: (same as Littles Backstory)

Caregivers Outfit: (same as Littles Looks)

Caregivers Likes: (at least 5)

Caregivers Dislikes: (at least 5)

Crush: (Same as Littles Crush)

Other: (about either one)

Have fun and enjoy!)

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