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Seth pushed the boys forwards deeper into the crowd, "Alright babies, I want you to be good and be nice to the other little ones, daddy will not hesitate to spank you in front of everyone," just as he finished his warning, someone called out, grabbing his attention, "Seth!" a smile over came Seth.
"Charlie! How are you! Goodness, feels like we haven't seen each other in ages!" the two pulled to a stop in front of each other. While the daddies talked, the boys looked to the stroller, their eyes widened as it was someone they knew.
"Harley?" Lee mumbled. The other male blinked smiling a little.
"Hey guys um... how are you?"
"Currently kidnapped and forced like this so-" Lee was cut of with Seth gently pushing the pacifier into his mouth not wanting any rumors to start spreading.
"We don't talk about that, Pumpkin Pie," he then returned to Charlie, both gladly talking about their littles. Kyle narrowed his eyes slightly.
"Were you...?" Harley quickly shook his head.
"Willing," he corrected, "I love my daddy and he loves me," he looked down before looking back up. Before he could say anything more a word caught all three little's notice.
"Oh a playdate would be great, you'd like that, wouldn't you, Harl?" Charlie asked sweetly bending down to kiss his cheek. Harley's fave seemed to brighten up at this as he nodded slightly.
"Great! We can discuss time and day and all that later, we better keep moving. It was so wonderful seeing you Charlie."
"You too Seth," Charlie said with a smile, "say bye bye, Harley, you'll seem them again soon."
The little boy nodded waving bye to the twins. Charlie smiled pushing the stroller in the direction of one of the many toy stores. Seth smiled softly looking to the twins.
"See? That's what a good boy looks like," Seth pulled his phone out checking the time,"maybe if you two behave, daddy will take you to a toy store later too," pocketing his phone he started pushing again eventually reaching a play room, he gently hot them out and grabbed their hands firmly.
"If one or both of you even dare to try running out, you will be punished, this is supposed to be a nice, fun time," he then let go letting them walk around. They noticed a girl sitting their close to another male, the girl being the little while the guy being a daddy. They traded looks, Lee shrugged as if signaling, 'Why not?' they made their way over sitting down near her a bit awkwardly. It was Lee who was bold enough to speak up first to her.
"Hi! Um I'm Lee, this is my twin brother, Kyle. What's your name?" the girl hesitated, but answered softly to Lee.
"Evangeline, n-nice to meet you two," Lee smiled slightly.
"You too!"
"Though we'd rather be anywhere but here," Kyle muttered though it was loud enough for them both to hear. Lee elbowed his brother making him tense and glare his direction, "baka! What's your deal??"
"Don't be rude, we can at least make some friend dimwit!"
"I'm just being honest!" the two heard a quiet whimper like noise making them both look to her.
"Oh, I'm sorry, we usually don't fight like that. Kyle just really doesn't like the situation we're in," Lee apologized. The girl was silent a moment before nodding once in an understanding manner.
"You get used to it after a while," she informed. The boys eyes widened a little bit.
"You were forced to?" Lee said before Kyle could though it was clear he was wondering the same. She shyly nodded.
"Oh are you making friends Evey?" a males voice asked smiling. The girl nodded shyly.
She points to Lee, "Wee," then to Kyle, "Kywe," he nodded happy she was at least talking to other littles.
"Have they been nice?" she nodded, the twins tensed hearing a familiar voice behind them.
"I'd sure hope they're being nice," Evangeline nuzzled her daddy's leg shyly. He gently picked her up into his lap rubbing her back in a soothing motion giving her a pacifier to suck on though well aware that it'd be lost soon enough.
"Didn't think I'd see you here. These your little ones Seth?"
He chuckled and nodded, "Yep, my two trouble makers, I see you found your perfect one."
He nods, "This is my little Evey."
"She's precious," Seth said with a chuckle, "say, since they seem to be getting along, how about a play date for the kids?"
"That'd be great!" the daddy exclaimed. Seth smiled picking up the twins.
"Great, we'll discuss the information later, it's probably about time I got these two boys nice and fed, see you around, Burke."
"You too," he smiled slightly. Seth carried them back to the stroller, buckling them in. He pushed it out and to a little restaurant in the building. Of course the twins were put into a highchair each.
"What do you two want? You want some nuggets? They're shaped like dinosaurs. Or maybe my babies would like a grilled cheese? A nummy peanut butter and jelly? Spagetti-O's? Mac and cheese?"
Kyle rolled his eyes, "Macaroni and cheese, I guess."
"Ok and Lee-Bug?" Lee thought a moment.
"Peanut butter and jelly," he decided with a nod.
"Ok babies, I'm going to order. My nephew and his little are going to come over here to eat with us, Ok? I expect you two to be nice boys," with that Seth walked off to order food. Automatically, Kyle took advantage trying to push the tray away kicking angrily.
"Why won't it budge?" he growled out.
"Because it's made for someone like us," Lee pointed out. As assured a male came over carrying a little boy. The little one was rather cute, the daddy buckled him into the third highchair that was already set up for when they did come. Seth chuckled as he came back.
"You're practically breathless. You didn't have to rush," he sat the food on the trays for the twins before sitting down, "Lee, Kyle, this is my nephew Quinton and his little, Brent." 
"Hewwo," Brent said smiling waving a little. Lee, being a kind person smiled waving back. Kyle rolled his eyes at them both and ate his food grumbling to himself.
"Has he been a handful yet?" Seth asked Quinton who smiled and shook his head kissing Brent's forehead gently making the little giggle a little happily.
"No, he's been a previous angel."
"What a relief," he said with more of a smile, "say, since they're family, why don't they have a playdate? There will be other little ones that I've talked to there too, it'll be nice for them all to make little friends."
Quinton smiled with a chuckle and a nod, "That's a great idea. Would you like that Brentday Cake?" Brent eagerly and happily nodded. Seth chuckled softly.
"You certainly picked a cute one," Brent cutely shyed away at all the compliments. Quinton chuckled and fed Brent his lunch. Kyle glared at Seth.
"Would you stop inviting people over for a freaking 'playdate'?"
Seth merely grinned, "Aww is my Kyle boo shy about meeting other little ones?" he grabbed a napkin wiping a bit of sauce off of Kyle's cheek, "Don't worry your sweet head about it Pumpkin Spice, daddy will be right there to protect you," he cooed folding it, sending the younger twin another taunting grin, and wiped the crumbs off Lee's face before getting them out of the high chairs only for them to be restrained again by the stroller, "I'll text you the details later, Quinnie, I need to finish looking around before these two get too cranky and need a nap."
Quinton nodded understandingly, "Ok Uncle Seth, bye. Baby tell him bye," he coaxed gently.
"Bye bye!" Brent said only making Seth smile, why couldn't his little twins be that sweet?
"Bye Quin, bye bye Brent, it was wonderful meeting you. I look forward to the playdate," he called before walking away pushing the stroller. He pushed them into one of the many stores in the building. Loud, cheerful, childish music played through the speakers.
"Let's see if we can find some cutesy-wutesy accessories for my boys," he cooed making both boys faces run red, much to their displeasure. He looked around spotting a certain section where another daddy with a little girl was. The daddy was putting a crown on the girl and she seemed rather giggly and happy about it. Seth smiled and spoke.
"Oh my goodness gracious, she's adorable, what's her name?" the daddy looked over, his eyes showing clear happiness at getting to talk about the chick.
"I'm a princess!" she cried happily though somewhat shyly, none the less  both daddies heard her and chuckled as the daddy nodded.
"Yes you are honey."
"A very adorable princess," Seth added before meeting the daddy's eyes again holding his hand out, "Seth," he introduced.
The other male took his hand shaking it, "Eric."
"Nice to meet you."
"You too."
The two continued to talk as they shopped. Eric got plenty of cute stuff for his little, Seth however was only able to find a few things that the boys agreed to. Kyle raised a brow just waiting for him to ask b yt didn't until he was checking out, Eric was still shopping but in a nearby spot.
"Hey Eric, how would Destin like to come over for a playdate at my place? There will be other littles there too so all the kids can male plenty of friends."
Destin nodded happily, "Yes please daddy, yes!" Eric chuckled and nodded.
"That'd be great," Seth smiled grabbing a slip of paper and wrote down his number handing it to him.
"I'll text you later for address and time and such," Eric smiled and nodded. Satisfied, Seth walked out humming softly.
"Ok buddies, it's been a decent hour. I'm gonna give you two a bottle, then you two can play a little more then you'll get your extra special surprise," the twins shivered not at all liking how this "extra special surprise" sounded.
Seth stopped at a station for cuddling and bottle feeding littles. Seth got them both out, "Ok, I'm going to trust that my little boys can drink babas by themselves this time, daddy wants time to cuddle you both," he explained handing the bottle to them. Lee was hesitant but stuckthe tip in his mouth regardless suckling away, Kyle however tried to refuse, "Kyle-Boo, drink the baba. Daddy doesn't want to spank you," he warned giving a slight but firm smack on Kyle's bum as a sign that he wasn't at all bluffing. Kyle gave a small grunt of displeasure but put the bottle in his mouth begrudgingly and sucked. Seth leaned back rubbing the twins back as he did so with a smile and looked next to them seeing a blonde man cuddling another man with blue hair and an eye patch.
Seth's heart melted at the sight, "That's an adorable little boy," he commented. The blue haired boy blushed a deep red and hid his face in the other man's chest.
The blonde chuckled, "Don't be shy TJ say thank you," he coaxed gently. The little boy peeked up to look at Seth shyly saying.
"H-hewwo," he then hid away again, Seth smiled softly.
"Shy little guy isn't he?"
"Definately," he said with a chuckle. Seth nodded.
"I'm hosting a playdate, my little ones and other ones will be there would you be interested in coming?" the daddy thought before nodding with a small smile.
"Sure maybe he'll loosen up around others."
"Hopefully, he seems like he'll have a nice personality," he said reaching for a notepad in the bottom of the stroller to write his number.
"So I didn't catch your name?"
"Ah, how rude if me. I'm Seth, these two are Kyle and Lee. What's your name?"
He smiled a little, "Jasper and as you heard, this sweet little man is TJ," Seth smiled and nodded.
Wanting him to just stop inviting people to a "playdate" Kyle hit Seth's chest with the near empty bottle. Seth snapped his gaze to Kyle and sighed a little.
"Daddy can't talk to anyone else can he, Goo Goo Boy?" he rubbed their backs a moment before getting them buckled into the stroller, "It was nice to meet you Jasper and TJ. I'll text you about the playdate, I'd love to stay and chat but Kyle-Wyle here is getting jealous." 
Jasper chuckled with a nod, "Alright. See you around," he then turned all his attention to TJ.
Seth smiled taking his phone out, checked the time, put it away and started pushing again, "Just a bit longer boys. Can you two behave long enough to play?"
"Stop inviting people!" Kyle snapped with a glare. Seth sighed grabbing a pacifier out of the diaper bag and stuffed it in his mouth.
"Enough cranky pants," they reached a different playroom, "thus is where your surprise will be, but until then you two are going to be good boys and play," he got them out letting them walk around again, they approached two other littles that were playing.
"Hi um I'm Lee. This is my twin brother, Kyle, can we play with you two?" he asked nervously and awkwardly. The boy happily nodded the girl shyly did the same, "Th-thanks," Lee sat down and tugged Kyle's hand.
He gave a huff of annoyance but sat down next to his brother, "So what are your names?" he asked crossing his arms over his chest. The boy smiled brightly.
"I'm Mason!"
"I'm Izzy," the girl added shyly. Lee smiled a bit.
"I like those names. Are you two siblings?" the two shook their heads.
"We just started playing together," Izzy explained smiling a little. The twins nodded once nearly at the same time.
"Where are your daddies?" he asked curiously. Mason pointed to a muscular man with freckles dotted everywhere and a scar on his cheek. Izzy pointed to a man with dark hair and blue eyes, Kyle groaned seeing Seth was already over there, presumably asking about the playdate.
"Izzy!" the daddy said picking her up with a smile, "You're going to a playdate sometime ok? But for now we gotta go," he said with a coo. She smiled and nodded. The two walked away. Seth came over, "I see you met Blake's little girl," he turned to Mason, "hi there little cutie, can you point out your Daddy?" Mason happily did so again. Seth smiled and walked over. Kyle covered his face shaking his head.
"Come on Kyle. It's not that bad. At least we know some of them," Kyle nodded slightly not moving his hands. Soon enough someone came in. It hadn't gotten the boys attention until the person called out.
"Seth!" he finished handing Johnathan, Mason's daddy, the information before going back over to the twins picking them up.
"Ready for your surprise?" he carried them to someone. They scanned until spotting someone in the stroller that they knew all too well.

(Ok here this finally is. I hope you all enjoyed it. I hope I played the characters right! If you didn't make a character then it's not too late! If I didn't include your character there are two reasons:

*You didn't have enough information and/or detail.
*You didn't do a caregiver too.

As I said I hope you enjoy!) 

The Villain's Twin Baby BoysWhere stories live. Discover now