Ch. 20

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Upon hearing the familiar voice, Lee's, Nick looked up. Green eyes widening, "L-Lee?" he whimpered out with disbelief. He squirmed in the stroller trying to free himself. Kyle watched in shock. Lee wiggled in Seth's arms trying to get to Nick. Seth bounced Lee gently.
"Toodle Bear, hold still. Calm down," he cooed.
"Let me go! Put me down!!" he shouted pushing away from him and kicking.
"Lee. Stop. Right now, I mean it," Seth warned narrowing his eyes.
"No! No! Let go of me now! Let me see Nicky!" Lee paused and tensed once he felt Seth smack his rear twice, firmly.
"Baby, stop, be a good boy," Lee finally glared, this man wanted a baby. Lee would give him one that wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted, Nick. Lee started wailing at the top of his lungs resembling something of a tantrum. It would be an understatement to say it started a scene, with Lee screaming and crying as loud as he could it would be hard not to look over. Not that Lee minded, he hoped it'd embarrass Seth, make him think twice of keeping his dear baby brother away from him. Seth sighed and walked to his friend who has brought Nick.
"Hold Kyle-Boo won't you? I need to talk to my little Lee-Bug. He's getting fussy," upon hearing he'd be taken farther from Nick only made him fight more. Seth narrow his eyes before looking back to his friend who nodded holding an arm out for Kyle. Seth stepped closer and looked to the younger twin, "If daddy hears you've misbehaved, see what happens little boy," he warned. Kyle rolled his eyes and he was passed to Seth's friend. Seth then stepped outside with Lee. Despite this, he continued his fit, it was giving Seth a headache.
"You want something to cry about little one? I will give you something to cry about," with that, he proceeded to open the car door and sit on the edge of the seat flipping Lee over swatting him a good six times. Lee cried out and squirmed at each one. Seth then turned him back over.
"Are you going to behave now?"
"Give me Nicky!! Let me see my baby brother!" he demanded as any protective brother would. Seth grabbed Lee's chin making Lee tense all over a sudden reaction if behaving now.
"You will stop this right now. Naughty boys don't get prizes," he tensed. Nick was the surprise. His eyes watered, he didn't want to be separated from Nick at all. Seth noticed the teary eyed look but took it for something totally different.
"Aww, Lee-Bug, don't cry baby boy, daddy just needed to scold you a little, put you in your place, you're still my good boy," he cooed.
Lee nodded though he hardly cared about being this man's "good boy". Regardless, he decided to play these rules so he could see his baby brother who he missed so much.
"I be good, I be good daddy, wet me see Nicky now?" he pleaded childishly. Seth seemed pleased though as he nodded.
"Yes Pumpkin Pie, we can go see Nicky," he stood up. Lee was expecting to be carried back in. Instead though, he was buckled into his carseat. Lee frantically looked to him confused trying to pull off the straps to which Seth gently swathed his hands away.
"No no no, little boys stay in their carseat. I need you to be a big boy for just a moment while I get your brother's. Can you do that?"
The technical oldest little nodded quickly just wanting his brothers in here now.
"Good boy!" Seth praised as he beamed happily, "Daddy will be right back baby boy, and remember, don't talk to strangers," he cooed walking away after shutting the door. Lee sighed leaning back in the seat and looked, he only just now noticed a third carseat that was smaller than his and Kyle's, no doubt Nick's.
It was a light, creamy blue color, and was decorated with teddy bears. He looked around out the windows seeing some doms, some littles going in some going out, some alone others in pairs. None really sparing him a glance. He was relieved when he saw Seth pushing the stollers, the one Nick had arrived in connected to the twins one so it now looked right for triplets. Lee scrunched his nose up at the thought.
The car door opened and Seth loaded the other two in. He was scolding Kyle as he did.
"You are getting a major spanking when we get home little man. I told you to behave but you didn't. You hit and bit, I understand that you and Lee-Bug are fussy little twins but that is no reason to misbehave. Do you both understand me?"
"Yeah.." came Lee's meek reply.
"Whatever. This wouldn't be a problem if you'd treat me my age you creep."
"We already tried that honey, but you failed, remember? You wet your pants."
"On accident!"
Seth sighed shoving a pacifier in Kyle's mouth, "Little ones have accidents, Kyle-Boo, now, you hush," he then grabbed a baby blanket tucking it around Nick who squirmed a little, "shhh, none of that Little Nicky. Don't be like your big bubbas," he scolded gently.
Lee knew his baby brother well, very well, and so he knew that Nick and Kyle shared their stubborn ways. They didn't take orders from others usually and so he wasn't likely to obey and stop his squirming. Lee thought fast not wanting Nick to get spankings too, Kyle's crying would break his heart but Nick's would be the absolute death of him, he started whining and kicking like an impatient toddler.
"Home!! Home!!! Wan go home!! Home! Home now!!!!" he wailed still whinly. The plan worked as Seth sighed and nodded turning his attention to Lee.
"Ok baby boy, ok, we're going home, calm down," he shut the door and went up to the front buckling in and started driving.
The twins then directed their eyes to the youngest boy who they had been so worried about, Kyle spit the pacifier out.
"Nickolas Dylan Winchester, how in blazes name did you end up here??" Kyle hissed angrily.
"Don't get mad at him jerk. You're in this situation too!"
"Don't defend him, Lee, he's not a baby, he can't hide behind you forever."
"He's my baby and he'll hide behind me if he wants!"
"Are two of my grumpy boys fighting? I sure hope not."
The twins stiffened but sighed dropping it.
"Nicky, how'd you end up here?" Lee asked full of concern.
"I was outside while Bobby was inside working.... a strong pair of hands grabbed me. I tried to get away but they put a rag to my nose and I passed out. When I woke up I was dressed like a baby and this guy told me I'd meet my daddy and brother's soon. He had to babysit me til then," Nick explained almost sounding ashamed.
"When did this happen? How long have you been stuck like this?" Kyle asked raising a brow.
"Like.. almost a week.. 6 days? This guy isn't gonna hurt us, right?" Nick asked a little frightened making Lee frown.
"No sweet boy. I won't let him hurt you," Kyle rolled his eyes not seeing the point of promising that to Nick if he was likely to be hurt regardless by misbehaving.
"What he means is we'll see."
"Grief, stop trying to scare him, Kyle."
"I'm not, I'm telling him the truth," the talking ceased as Seth, being tired of all the conversation pulled over in a gas station.
"Lee-Bug, daddy needs you to be big again. I'm gonna get my boys slushies," he cooed. Lee nodded, satisfied, Seth rushed in going to make the slushies as fast as he could. Kyle scoffed rolling his eyes again.
"Like Lee could handle that."
Lee paid no mind however he was reaching to play with Nick's hair. Nick tilted his head closer for him to missing his brothers affection.
"Why were you outside alone sweetie?" Lee asked him softly certain that he was taught better.
"It was boring in there. I was practically alone, Bobby told me we'd do something fun later so I wanted to distract myself until then..."
"Why didn't you take a weapon?" Kyle asked eyes narrowed as he was disappointed. Nick looked down once again, ashamed.
"I didn't think I needed one.."
"Well now you know!" Kyle snapped shouting sarcastically making Nick wince, the older brother continued his scolding, "how could that thought even cross your mind?? Has everything we ever taught you just flown over your head! That was stupid Nickolas, stupid! Very stupid!" he yelled.
By now Nicky had tears brimming his eyes which made Lee put a stop to it, "Shut up Kyle. He's still just a kid. He isn't as experienced as we are. You know that. Don't take your frustration out on him."
"I wouldn't if he'djust listen for once! He never listens, never! He's an idiot, I swear!"
"Shut up Kyle!! He's not an idiot!"
"What would you prefer I say? Moron?? Baka? What Lee!"
"None of it! He's just made a mistake! At least he's here with us now!"
"I didn't want him here!"
"Stop it!! Just stop it please!!" Nick shouted interrupting the argument. Tears now trickled down Nick's cheeks as he shook. He never tried to stop his brothers fights but he didn't want to hear it anymore. He whimpered and sniffled wiping his eyes.
With poor timing, Seth came back, he didn't notice Nick until he handed him the slushie, "Oh boo bear, what's wrong? Why's my baby pooh crying? Are you sleepy? Is that it? Don't worry you three will be getting nappy as soon as we get home, it's ok."
The rest of the ride was silent. Once they pulled up Nick was already asleep, he was usually tired due to extremely uneasy nights causing him to never seeming to sleep well.
Seth carried him to rhe living room laying him in a third baby rocker he had put in while they were all out and slipped a pacifier in his mouth knowing he couldn't drink a bottle too well while sleeping. There was now almost a third every thing. He then picked up the twins putting them in their own rockers.
"I'm gonna go fix your babas Ok? Don't get too loud my little fussy ones," Kyle sighed as Seth went to make the two bottles. Kyle looked over at Lee who refused to look at him still angry for him making Nick cry.
"Look Lee, I let my anger get the best of me. I admit that, I just couldn't believe Nickolas did something as reckless as that. We taught him better."
"You told him better, Kyle. You haven't taught him anything but how to get rid of spirits and some run in with demons which you weren't on even teaching him. You always leave him out of things and it hurts his feelings and right now, it's hurting mine."
"What?" Kyle narrowed his eyes questioningly. Lee finally looked to him.
"If you had just let Nicky come, we wouldn't have been with us. Do you know how worried I've been about him?? I distracted myself by occupying myself with you but.... just..." he sighed shaking his head. Kyle wanted to push it further but thankfully wasn't able to as Seth returned giving the twins their bottles.
"Daddy will be on the couch. Cry if my dumplings need anything and I'll have someone for you to meet when you wake up," he informed kissing all three boys heads, "Good night my baby boys. Sleep well," he cooed.
Not wanting to talk to Kyle any further for now, Lee willingly put the bottle in his mouth. Kyle begrudgingly did the same. It was peaceful, napping for about a hour and a half until a familiar voice stirred them awake.
"Well well, look at my two giants, knocked down to size, Tiny was too. Hello boys." 

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