WOW DUDE CHILL x100: The kid who had a Seizure ( maybe)

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Remember how I said that the guy ontop of the girls head was the weirdest thing i've seen in my life so far? ( If you have not, read my previous chapter before this first, and THEN read this. This happened today after all :P )I take it back, today, a kid might have had to go to the hospital...and I was watching almost the whole time. Now you may be wondering, "It's not THAT bad!", and I say to you, IT WAS! It was horrid, I might be traumitized, I can even remember where his hands were, HIS HANDS. And so for this pourpose, i'm being serious, no jokes in this, i'm being straight serious and straight. And now you may also say, "How'd this happen?", that is why I posted this...And also, tell your friends about the story CONCEPT, tell them to be weary, and to stay on alert. You don't have to, just tell them the dangers of seizures, and how horrid it is for others. So lets start the story, it all started during 2nd period, my math class. Now, tbh, I sorta like math class, but not by a lot. And so I was kinda pumped, and I sat down...the teacher talked. And also, this teacher is SUPER NICE, I mean REALLY ONE OF THE NICEST TEACHERS I'VE SEEN. And today, the teacher pulled up a video, it was about how kids solved and proved the pythagoras theroy.

"Alright everyone! Today we're going to be watching a video of kids who solved-," the teacher started. I was paying attention, when I heard someone slip from someone's chair, and I turned around to see this guy on the floor. And this guy, lets just call him purple head, I really don't wanna name names. And he fell onto the floor, and me, being a drama king, just started saying.

"You okay pruple head?!" he didn't respond. Most of the time, when I ask, they say they are alright, and everyone says I was being a drama king...but he didn't respond. I was worried, and thats when I saw it, he was shaking. I could even see him move his hands over his back, and his throat, like he was choking ( He wasn't...we don't know, but he wasd NOT choking, he wasn't eating a single thing so he wasn't choking). I saw hi to continue shaking, I could see him look horrified, he was shaking bad at this point.

"ISHAN! ( NAME REVEAL!), WATCH "PURPLE HEAD" ( Still not saying names) WATCH HIM WHILE I CALL THE OFFICE!". So she went to her desk and quickly called the office, while I looked over him. He was closing his eyes, HIS DAMN EYES WERE CLOSING! I can't tell you how much that seemed like death to me, and finally they fully shut. I was traumitized beyond beleif, and probably still will be. But thats when Jet opened his eyes, and he quickly got up, and held his hands to his hair. The teacher ahd quickly told the office what happened, and she then went right to purple hair.

"'Purple hair' alright?". He still didn't respond. He was up and sitting down, but he kept his hands on his head, he looked horrified, like something happened to him. And then thats when I heard the doors to the office open up, and I saw them walk in...they escorted us out to the library. Now, we had homework, but we didn't have math class, thats the onlye YAY momment in this. I sat alone in a chair by the books, I was kinda scared...later I was called up to tell what I saw, since I witnessed what happened. We had a few guesses but we were nto sure, and then after a few minues, we were released... I'm not talking anymore about this, mainly because it was a horrifying event, and that I can not BELEIVE what happened, I MIGHT HAVE WITNESED A MURDER OF A CLASSMATE!! And thats why I tell you all, please, PLEASE...tell your friends the dangers of this, tell them that they need to be careful. I don't want you guys getting hurt because of a possible SEIZURE, and I never WOULD wish that on anyone...

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