Chapter 9

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Chapter 9



Rubin galloped jubilantly up the stairs to Eliza’s apartment, excited to finally have a chance to prove himself to his beautiful mate. He knocked on dark brown mahogany door and he heard the wild giggles of little Annabel and the tinkling laughter of his lady love, Eliza.

The door flew open and he saw Liza’s disheveled hair and crumpled dress, he chuckled and she blushed.

“Are you ready to go?” he asked trying to hide his smirk. She looked at him sadly “Ugh…. I can’t” Rubin’s heart fell out of his chest and his face crumpled in disappointment.  “…. I couldn’t find a babysitter for Anna, but we can have dinner here. I made pasta” she offered smiling brilliantly at him.

“Cool, okay” Rubin’s heart jumped back off the floor and into his chest beating rhythmically, maybe a little fast. Rubin walked into the chaotic apartment, full of toys splayed out everywhere and unfinished colored pictures lying haphazardly across the floor.

“Rubin!” Anna cried out excitedly, her tiny feet carried her quickly across the floor into waiting arms. “Hey squirt, are you being a good girl for your mommy” he questioned playfully.

“Of cworse silly, I’m always good for mommy” She giggled “Right mommy?” she widened her big beautiful eyes and her mother just laughed, immune to Anna’s puppy dog face.

“Yeah…… right” she said sarcastically. “Dinner is ready, Anna go wash your hands” she ordered and Anna immediately scurried off.

At the dinner table, Eliza laughed at Anna’s face that was presently splattered with spaghetti sauce and it was so adorable. In the beginning, it felt strange having Rubin sitting at the table with them, it was weird but as time progressed it became comfortable and now they were eating at the table and conversing as a family would.

Anna started to laugh also but Eliza was sure Anna didn’t know what Eliza was laughing about. Rubin let out a smirk and they caught each other’s gazes.

Eliza felt as if her soul was being pulled out her body and intertwining with Rubin’s combining them as one, it scared the hell out of her. Eliza quickly diverted her eyes away from Rubin’s and she saw him grin brightly. Did he feel it too?

“Finished!” Anna shrieked loudly, pushing her Barbie printed bowl out to Eliza.

“Well muffin, let’s go get you cleaned up.” Eliza grabbed Anna, lifting her high in the air as he let out a scream of excitement. Eliza told Rubin that she would be a few minutes and walked to the bathroom.

The bath was swamped with bubbles upon bubbles and Anna giggled as she combed her Malibu Barbie Dolls hair and played with her swimmable Baby Doll.

Eliza was covered from head to toe in water with all of the splashing that Anna had created and the floor was completely soaked. Eliza heard shuffling behind her and she quickly turned around. Rubin was leaning against the doorframe watching them.

“Oh sorry, I-“ Eliza started before Rubin interrupted her.

“No it’s okay. It was funny watching you two play.” Eliza’s face flushed realizing that he had been watching them for a while and saw there little mean girl’s skit with Anna’s dolls.


Anna was all washed up and changed into her night clothes. “Um…Rubin, this is going to be weird with me sitting here talking to you in my wet clothes. Do you mind if I take a quick shower and put something else on.”

“Eliza, I don’t mind waiting. Remember I will always wait for you.” Eliza suspected he wasn’t just talking about waiting for her to get out of the shower, but she ignored that part of her brain and nodded.

She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out; instead she quickly turned around and rushed into the bathroom.

Stripping of her clothes, she hopped into the shower and followed her nightly routine quickly, adding on the leg shaving, but hurrying the best she could not wanting to leave Rubin and Anna waiting too long.What usually took her 30 minutes had only taken her 10 minutes at the most.

She quickly ran to her room in only a towel and grabbed a pair of comfy pajamas. She lotioned her legs and put on her pj’s but kept her hair out to air dry.

Silently, she trotted back to the living room and what she saw before her was the cutest sight ever. Anna sat in Rubin’s lap as Rubin read him one of the books he had found lying around. Eliza restrained herself from aweing as she saw Anna’s eyes droop.

“Anna,” She whispered “Time for bed, baby.”

She looked at me drowsily and climbed off of Rubin’s lap and into Eliza’s arms.


It was silent and uncomfortable from Eliza’s perspective. Rubin sat staring at her as if he was waiting for her to explode.

“Uhh” I stopped; I actually didn’t have anything to say. “Liza”, Rubin said scooting closer towards her on the sofa. ‘You’re so beautiful” he stroked her cheek “Like an angel in the light”

“Eliza I want you to know that I would never hurt you, ever, do you understand?” he looked at her tenderly. “I really want you to give me a chance, like a real chance, I want to be your boyfriend.” He held his breath hopefully.

“Umm…..Rubin, I already explained to you I can’t do it again, not like last time” she looked away hiding her sad face. “I already told you I will do anything”

“Rubin I don’t know” she said hesitantly

“Please” he pleaded with her, holding her hands in his much bigger ones. “Okay, you have one chance, that’s it”

“Alright, I will prove myself” he leaned down and kissed Eliza passionately, her breath escaped her lungs and she leaned into his chest. “Oh my” she said breathlessly.

He kissed her one last time “goodnight sweetheart” he left through the door smiling brightly all the way to his home.

Eliza closed her door and slid against it like a love struck teenager all the while whispering “Oh my” until her head hit the pillow and she fell in a deep sleep with a small smile on her face.


There are probably a lot of mistakes. Please just bear with me and thank you for reading!

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