Chapter One

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Update May 31 2016:

Just a little note to the readers.

Yes I know some of the writing is.... ewwwww.

Lol I cringe and die a bit inside reading some of the wording and writing in these stories too but, I plan of going through each story and fixing them all. I feel like I've learned so much more about writing since I wrote these. I was so happy to post them I was slacking with everything from spelling to details lol. Oh well you live and you learn.

So you do not have to complain about the problems in the story. Trust me I see them lol and they will be fixed in time.

I promise!!

Love you guys so much and I can't thank you enough for all the love and support you've given me through these years. Still surprised peopler reading them but, it only gives me motivation to do better. You'll see!



Copyright © 2016

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Cover picture isn't mine but, I love it!! Umm yeah Carry on :)


Haven't even been here for two minutes and I'm ready to leave. Every person in here just talked about their weekend and gossiped as I sat here bored, with no one to talk to.

If I did, they would think I was a girl with no life. It's not like a choose it, my friends all seem to have better things to do than hang out with me. Whatever they can be with their boyfriend or other friends.

The teacher walked in and I sighed grabbing my binder and pen from my bag. "Morning class" she said walking to her desk and not even half of the class said it back including me.

I leaned back in my chair hoping it would go by quickly "Before I start class I just want to remind you all that prom is in a few months and of course none will do it but I'm required to ask you to at least think about joining... It's your prom why not plan it the way you want?" She said and no one responded.

"Whatever, sign up sheet will be outside of the door- Hello and who are you" she asked and I looked up to see some curly hair kid walking in handing her a paper. Oh, well he's cute.

I looked down as she motioned for him to sit in front of me. She went on to talk about our term paper and final paper. I'm so happy to have a teacher that's not going to wait till last minutes to give us this stuff.

She started to write stuff on the board to remember and I quickly wrote them down. "Umm-I-I'm not blocking your view am I?" A deep voice said and I looked up to meet bright green eyes.

Oh my god they were beautiful...

"Um no- I'm fine- I can see. Thank you" I stuttered as I looked down at my paper quickly.

"No problem" he whispered turning around. Could I be anymore awkward? The one time he speaks to me and I fuck up. I could have said something better than that. I rolled my eyes focusing on the board again.

Two Weeks Later

"Okay after a lot of thought I decided to change the final project. Instead of it being individual I will be with partners. Since I'm such a nice person, I'll let you pick your partner" she said with a smile.

"That's not being nice that's setting yourself up to get bullshit" I whispered but not low enough. I froze at a laugh ahead of me.

"Maybe she's just given up on this class" he whispered turning his head a bit and I broke out of my shock to laugh.

"Hopefully, I'm so over this" I said resting my head on the desk as she continued going on.

"The project is still the same, bring awareness to something you feel should be heard. I want a poster, actual facts and why you're so passionate about it" she said writing on the board.

"Here comes posters on why girls should wear tighter and shorter clothing" He laughed looking back to show his bright smile and green eyes. "You know that's not all guys think about" he stated.

"I know, but I bet someone is thinking about doing something at least related to it. Look for the two guys smirking" I said and he's head turned to study the people as I followed and we busted out laughing as we saw the two guys looking at each other smiling.

The bell rung and the room filled with sounds of chairs, people talking and her yelling to pick partners and a topic by the end of the week. I grabbed my things heading out when someone tapped me on my shoulder.

I turned to see him smiling and I returned the smile back. He extended his hand "Cameron" he whispered and I quickly reacted shaking it "Leah" I answered and he nodded.

"Hi Leah. Umm... I don't many people here but, I was wondering if... You had a partner for the final project or thought of someone" he said quickly. He wanted to be partners?

"Umm I don't" I said smiling.

"Would you like to work together? I promised it will be better than trying to exploit girls more" he joked and I laughed nodding. "Well since that's not a choice, okay" I said trying to play it cool.

He smiled harder nodding. Why was he so happy? "Great so um I guess we'll pick a topic- and start working on it together" he said nervous which made me giggle a bit.

"Okay. Umm you want to swap number and we can plan a time to meet up?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah sounds good" he said pulling his phone out, unlocking it and passing it to me. I did the same quickly. "I'll text you later and we can go from there" he said and I smiled nodding.

"Okay, I have to head to art so ill talk to you later?" "Yup" I smiled not sure what to do now so, I just looked down and headed out that room.

Well that went better than I thought. He laughed at my joke, we talked and now I had a partner. I turned to look at the paper on the wall. Prom committee sign up. Why not? I thought grabbing my pen writing my name on the paper and then hurrying down the hall.

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