Chapter 31

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"Hey it's Cam. Either I'm really busy or just ignoring your call but, leave a message and I might get back to you." I relaxed a bit and his voice but once the beep came, I forgot what to say.

"Umm... It's me again" I said stumbling over my words and getting pissed. Of course he knew it was me.

I took a deep breath going on. There was no reason to hold back now, I had to let it all out.

"I'm trying to keep it together and I'm trying to hold on to hope but, I guess you don't want to" I whispered looking at the waves as they moved and the moon shine down on the water where I sat.

"I know we said we were over but, in my mind I thought it was just a break. I thought maybe after a few months we could continue what we planned. A month ago that's what it seemed like with you. Then you just... switched on me" I whispered as tears started to form.

"Guess you expected me to get the message when you stopped answering me too but, I didn't... Until now" I said as they finally fell. I took another deep breath closing my eyes. "Well I just want to say, I get it.... And... I wish you nothing but the best for you" I quickly ended the call letting the tears all out as I dropped the phone covering my face.

This was it.

Of course it hurt and it felt like everything was crumbling again but, it wasn't. I had to move on now, I had no choice. Nothing was stopping me, nothing was holding me back.

Sad thing was if he was to call me this instant, I would pick up. I would answer. I would pick up every piece of my heart that he shattered and hand it back to him without any hesitation.


I stayed on the beach relaxing myself before I had to go back upstairs and seeing them again. The last thing I needed was them to see me crying over him again. They already saw me as pathetic and right now, I was starting to believe them.

"Hey are you okay?" A deep voice said behind me and I looked back to see a dark figure. Some young guy. I turn back to face the water but nodded.

"That was fucked up of her to say" he said and I shrugged. He was one of the guys in there. I don't know which one, it's pretty dark and he's far.

"Not like she cares" He didn't respond walking closer but I didn't move. "Must of been one hell of a love though" he whispered and I nodded looking down as I bit my lip. "You have no idea"

I frowned thinking about the good times we had.

"You know that one person that you feel is your soulmate? The one that if you were to break up with, everyone after would be compared to them and will never be good enough?... That was him" I whispered.

He sat down not too far from me "Yeah I know. You always have to remind yourself you need to move on and it feels impossible because that's the person you want. That's the one you connected with and knows you inside and out. no one could even fit half of hole they created" he whispered and I was a bit surprised. that's exactly how I felt right now.

"Seems like you know the feeling" I said looking over but he was focused on the water. He looked down nodding "I do. Her name was Jo and yours?" "Cameron"

Never thought telling a stranger this would help but, he knew exactly how I was feeling. He knew it wasn't that easy to forget.

"Damn you Cameron and Jo" he yelled shaking his fist in the air and I actually laughed as he looked over smiling. I couldn't see his exact facial features but I did remember him by his clothes and beanie. He was sitting next to Ashley.

"I know right now it hurts and he feels like everything is over but, it's not. It does get better. It get easier in time but right now you have to accept it. It's over but, someone will eventually come and make you feel even more better than he did" He whispered smiling and I nodded.

God I was hoping he was right.

"Thanks..." "Nick" "Nick" I said smiling. "No problem Leah... I'm heading home but, I hope you have a good night" he said getting up, walking over and holding his out hand. I hesitantly put my hand out and he shook it. "You too" I whispered letting go and he turned leaving but froze.

"Hey, my friends having a party tomorrow night, you and your friends should come. Drink a little bit, dance and have some fun. I think you atleast deserve that much" he joked and I shrugged. I wasn't sure but, maybe it would help.

"Where is it?" "Its right up the street. I can come by get you guys and we can walk there" he offered. "You seem like you want to stay out here and think a little bit so I'll leave my number with your friend and you call me and let me know" he suggested and I nodded. "Okay"

"Well hopefully you give me a call if you want to go or if you want to just talk and maybe bash our exes for being idiots, that would work too" he joked and I laughed nodding.

"Good night Nick"

"Goodnight Leah"

I was pretty sure I wouldn't go but just for him being sweet, I would definitely think about it.

Plus, I really wanted to get drunk right now. Anything would be better than dealing with this.

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