Chapter Four

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I smiled as he held my hand leading me inside. That's what my mind was focused on forgetting the amazing view, the beautiful house or that he was speaking. "You okay?" he asked looking back and pulling me out of my trance. I nodded smiling and he returned it before leading me into the house.

Well this is where you'll be sleeping" he said turning on the light and walking in with my bag. My mouth dropped in shock, it was like a hotel room. A very expensive hotel room. King sized bed, bathroom in the room, flat screen tv on the wall and a big window facing the beach.

"Didn't expect to be so exhausted from prom" he stated putting my stuff on the bed an I chuckled agreeing. "I know thought we would be able to do our movie night, I don't think I could even do a show" he laughed nodding. "We'll reschedule" I smiled nodding, he still wanted to hang out with me even after this. Yay! "Tomorrow?" "Sounds good" he whispered walking towards the door. "Well I guess i'll see you later"

He opened the door "Cam?" He turned around with a big smile and I could help but return it. "Thank you again for tonight. It was the best night of my life" I whispered hoping he knew I was serious. "It's not over yet"

After I showered putting on sweats and a tank top, I walked out the bathroom to see him sitting on the bed smiling with a guitar. I smiled putting my clothes my bag and sitting next to him. "Whats this?" "Ending your perfect night the right way. I hope" he said and I laughed and nodded not knowing what to say.

I notice his sweats and wife beater. How could him wearing something so simple make him look so fucking beautiful? I will never understand. "What?' he asked breaking me out of my gaze and I looked down shaking my head. "Nothing... Carry on" I smiled. "Well I wanted to play you a song. He's similar to Ed but not really known as well" I nodded looking up as he looked down starting to play.

I smiled instantly recognizing to song. Love by Justin Nozuka. He was perfect at anything he did. His fingers moving on the guitar was heaven and just when I thought he couldn't get any better he proves me wrong. He looked up to me from time to time smiling as I sat there amazed. Once he finished I clapped and he smiled still looking down. "Beautiful" I whispered. He got up smiling at me "Thank you... Goodnight Leah" he whispered making my heart sped up as he leaned down to kiss my forehead.


"Vampires and their love triangles" he muttered and I laughed. "Trust me this is only the beginning. So much love, hate, betrayal, fights,and deaths it's hard to keep up" I stated and he looked at me shaking his head smiling. "But I bet you could tell me every one of them" he joked and I laughed thinking I probably could. "Quick all of Damon's lovers" he challenged. "Katherine, Rose, Elena, Rebekah, Andy-" "Wait... Who's Rose, Rebekah, and Andy?" he asked confused and I shook my head. "Sorry this is still season one. We'll need more time" I said frowning It was getting late and I knew my parents would complain if I came in too late.

His face dropped a bit but he nodded looking away. We continued watching the last episode and I noticed the change in his body language. He wasn't laughing anymore. Nothing. I paused it and turned to him. "You okay?" I asked and he gave me a weak smile nodding. "I know you're lying" I stated and he sighed. "Just a little bummed" "Why?" "This weekend was great and it's about to end. It's gonna change" he stated and I agreed frowning. Even though I was kind of bummed, I did still wanted to enjoy the time we had left.

"Me too. But, we can still enjoy this time together. Nothings going to change either-" "It is going to change. I don't want it to but it will" he whispered and I looked at him confused. "What's going to change?" " "My- The- what- I like you Leah" he spat out quickly and I smiled "I like you too. Why else would I just hang out with you and go to p-"

"No, not as a friend. I like you more than that" he stated looking up as I sat there speechless. He liked me more than a friend?

Of course he does idiot he kissed you last night, he asked you to prom even after the other girls asked him.

I thought that it was just because of the moment. It was perfect, for me. I just thought he asked me because we were friends and he wanted me to go.

"What?" I whispered looking at him but he didn't meet my eyes. "I like you more than a friend. Since the day we spoke in class. I don't know it just happened" he whispered looking petrified and it worried me. "Kind of talking like you made a mistake" I said nervous but kept a straight face. Of course it was a mistake for him. He chuckled shaking his head. "Trust me, it's not. I just didn't know how to say it"

I nodded biting my lip thinking. Is he joking? I never dealt with this. I never got to this part. I've had crushes but they never returned it or went for one of my friends. Always. What if he wanted the same? "Listen I know this is out of-" "Why? I asked looking up trying to hold in the emotion I was suddenly getting. "Why do you like me?"

"Because you're real. You're not trying to fit in with everyone else, you're your own person Leah" I wish I was. I shook my head "I did... Tried to but I couldn't so I gave up. I'm the oddball of my friends" I whispered. "That's not true. For you just telling me that, it makes me like you even more. You're real, funny, sweet. I feel like I could tell you anything and you won't judge me. You make sure it's clear before you speak about it, you're, you're just the perfect person" As nice as it felt for him to say that, I couldn't agree. "I'm far from it" I joked. "Well to me, you are. You're beautiful and that's all I had till we spoke. Once that happened I fell for you"

I didn't want to be one of those girls who characterize any guy his color as one who wouldn't like a black girl but, it did surprise me. I know there are some but... I don't know.

"That's not all you've done though. You've helped me" he whispered and I looked confused. "I helped you?" I asked and he nodded breaking eye contact and started playing with his shaking fingers. "How?" He was really confusing me. How did I help him? He sighed "Coming here I was.... Going through some things. I thought I was ready to lose it and somehow just talking to you calmed me. And for once in months I was finally able to relax and get a grip of things before I fucked up even more" he whispered.

I didn't want to force him to speak about it but if I was hoping without even knowing maybe I could do more if I knew. "Wh-what happen?" I asked nervous. "My mother died"

My heart shot down to my stomach as I heard his words. I didn't know what to say and now I was feeling guilty. "I-I'm so sorry" he looked up with a small smile "No reason to apologize. It's okay. I'm doing way better than I was seven months ago... Thanks to you" he said touching my hands with his shaking one. This had to be hard for him. I couldn't imagine dealing with it. I don't know why I didn't realize it before. She was never there when I went over, he barely spoke about her.

Tears were starting to from. I tried to fight them but I was failing. "Listen I'm not trying to make you pity me. I just want let you know the impact you've had in my life. I wanted to thank you by giving you the perfect night" "A simple thank you could have worked for me" I whispered trying to sound calm but a tear dropped. His thumb came to my face gently wiping the tears as he gave me a warming smile.

"You kind of remind me of her. Just like you, she had this smile that can bring light into anyone's day. Kind of puts everything into a better light and shows you that life is hard but the only way to get through it is to take it one day at a time. Happiness will come" I nodded looking down. Great advice to go by.

"Even if you don't want anything else, I still want you in my life somehow Leah. You're my best friend" "You're my best friend too Cam... I'm just nervous for this. I never experienced this and I don't want it to affect our friendship" I whispered and all he did was nod. "But, I would like to try. Guess we could take it one day at a time right?" He smiled hard and nodded.

"Yes" I grabbed his hand squeezing them still nervous. "I'll be you're girlfriend because I like you more than a friend too and not out of pity. You make me happy" he was unable to hold in his happiness I guess as he tackled me to the bed kissing me. I giggled a bit but immediately kiss him back happily.

Seemed like that was the beginning of many things like our relationship, life together but, it was also the end of others like the old me. The innocent, naïve, shy Leah.

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