30. It Was About Time (Edited)

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After everything that had unfolded between Aiden and I yesterday, you could say that my head was spinning. As far as I knew, no one had seen our kiss, which I was glad for, but at the same time I wondered how different things would be for us today at school. I hadn't told anyone about the kiss yet, not even Autumn or Riley, and I'm not quite sure why. I guess I just wanted to keep it as mine and Aiden's secret moment for a little while. And also, because I was waiting to see how Aiden was going to act around me.

As far as what we were labeling ourselves as I had no clue. This was the part that I hated about the in between talking/dating phase. I don't even know what we are now. Before, I at least knew that the both of us were friends, potentially on the verge of more, but now...

I don't know. Am I his girlfriend? Is he my boyfriend?

That sounds so strange.

Obviously, what was going to unfold today between the two of us must have meant a lot to me on some subconscious level, because this morning I went searching straight in the untouched collection of my closet, something I rarely ever did. I was even late to school this morning because I kept trying on different outfits and didn't like any of them. That's never, ever happened to me before. And there's no doubt in my mind that I was trying to impress Aiden on some level. It's the first time in my life I've ever felt like I needed to impress somebody.

I took my seat in the bleachers of the gym, setting my bag and jacket down as I waited for everyone else to arrive. The gang had agreed on meeting in the gym for our free period. The boys were probably going to play basketball while the girls and I just talked. I'm sure they probably wanted to get all the juicy details on my kiss with Aiden. (Once they found out that it had actually happened.)

My brain just could not stop thinking about that moment. I couldn't believe it had happened. I'm pretty sure I spent half my morning wondering whether I was dreaming or not. You have no idea how many times I pinched myself and flicked myself to try and get myself to wake up, but I never did. I even took a cold shower this morning, but nothing worked.

I guess that means I'm not dreaming.

I pulled out my Harry Potter book as I waited for everyone to arrive. There were already a few other people in here, mostly basketball players that were on the team with Aiden. I could feel their eyes on me, but I simply ignored them and continued to read.

Even when I tried, though, I couldn't stop thinking about how amazing that kiss with Aiden had been. I hadn't expected for my first kiss to go that well, honestly. I thought for sure that I was going to end up bumping heads with him or just panicking and not knowing what to do, but thanks to Aiden I'll be cherishing that moment forever. I swear that boy is the world's best kisser, because I don't know where he learned how to kiss, but now that I'd experienced it with him all I wanted to do was kiss him.

I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Every second he breathed, the smell of the grass, the cool air on his face, was so precious: To think that people had years and years, time to waste...

What did I just read again?

I think I've been reading the same line over and over at least four times.

I squeezed my eyes shut and set my book down, grabbing the sides of my head and fisting my hair in my hands. Stop thinking about Aiden. Stop thinking about Aiden.

"Hey, Em, you alright?" Aiden's voice came out of nowhere as I snapped my head up quickly, nearly fainting at the sight of him. Is it possible for him to get more attractive every time I see him?!

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