34. The Final Word (Edited)

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Aiden and I walked back into the gym together, hand in hand, earning the stares of so many as we entered, including Evan's. To my luck, the beauticians had somehow had the brilliant idea of using waterproof makeup on me, so thankfully the flood of tears that I had shed hadn't done too much damage. I'm sure my eyes were pretty puffy though.

As we walked back in, I knew what I had to do, and so did Aiden, because when Evan walked up to me, his eyes flickering between our hands, Aiden gave mine a squeeze. I looked over at him, as he playfully winked at me, before disappearing off into the crowd. I was thankful that he gave me a few moments alone with Evan, because I needed him to understand.

Understand my choice.

Evan walked forward, delicately placing one hand on my hip and taking the other in mine. And as the familiar sound of a slow song came on, we swayed. For a moment there was silence between us, mostly because I was too afraid to say anything, but he broke it.

The pain laced in Evan's voice had my heart constricting in my chest.

"I have my answer, don't I?"

He looked up at me, his once captivating blue eyes holding so much pain, and I felt for him, but I didn't regret my choice. Because as I stared into his blue eyes and felt only a small nudge of the once strong feelings I had for him ... I knew I'd made the right decision. Even if it meant hurting him in the process.

"I'm sorry, Evan," I whispered, feeling tears spring to my eyes once again, "but what did you expect me to do?"

He shook his head, his eyebrows creasing in anger. "Why him?! After everything! After all this time! After how long we've both loved each other ..." he trailed off, staring into my eyes, as if it had all been a lie.

I shook my head, furrowing my eyebrows as I stared back at him. And in that moment, I realized...it had been a lie. All of it.

"You don't get to do that, Evan." I said, feeling anger course through my veins.

How could he try and make me feel guilty for moving on? I waited for him. I waited for him my entire life and as soon as I'm ready to move on he always comes running back? That's not fair.

"You can't just come running back to me every single time I'm ready to move on. Every single time you see me happy with someone else—and you can't just say those three magic words and expect me to fall at your feet!" I cried. "That's not fair."

He shook my shoulders.

"Emery, please! I love you, and I know I should've realized it earlier, but I know now, okay? I know it now and it's still not too late for us to be together!" he whispered.

I felt tears prickle at my eyes, but I didn't let them fall. Far too many times have I cried over this boy. Over stupid things that he's done to me, or stupid things that he's said. No. In that moment, I promised myself that I would never shed another tear for Evan Andrews ever again.

"No Evan," I shook my head, "you're wrong. It is too late."

I looked him straight in the eyes as I said what I was about to say next.

"I waited for you for seven years, Evan. Seven years! Since the moment I laid eyes on you when I was in the fifth grade I knew you were the person that I would fall in love with." I whispered. "The person that I wanted to be with—but I was wrong."

The hurt and the pain that was on his face in that moment, had a part of me wanting to take back everything that I'd said, but the other part of me—the part of me that was so deeply and truly in love with Aiden—knew that he needed to hear this.

"I chose Aiden ... because he didn't ask me to choose. He didn't ask me to choose between you or him—he told me to follow my heart. And he was prepared to let me go ... if that's what was going to make me happy." I whispered. "And that's what love is, Evan. It's putting that person's happiness above your own – not selfishly holding onto them when you know you should let go." I whispered.

Evan's eyes were trained on the floor and I knew that if he looked up at me I would see the insurmountable pain in his eyes, but still, I continued.

"You've broken my heart more times than I can count Evan. But every single time ... guess who was there for me?"

"Aiden." I said. "The day that you paraded around school with Gabby in front of me ... and I went home and cried for hours, guess who was there? Aiden. The day your friends said all those things about me and you didn't say anything—or try to defend me—you just agreed with them? Guess who was there?" I paused. "Aiden. Aiden was there for me when no one else was. He was the one who helped me piece my shattered heart back together. He's the one who makes me feel alive and whole again. And he's the one I truly love with all my soul."

At this point the guilt was visibly etched across his face, but I didn't want his pity. Far too long had I allowed this boy to control my emotions, to dictate my life ... and at last I was finally free of him. Finally, free to move on with my life and truly start living.

I stepped away from him. "I'm sorry," I whispered, "but I choose Aiden."

And with that... I left him there. I left him there to feel the very pain that I had felt in my chest each and every time he broke my heart. Each and every time he walked away from me, but now it was my turn. My turn to break his heart for a change.

And as I approached Aiden, seeing the way he had been watching me with his hooded brown eyes. Seeing the small gleam and ghost of a smile on his face as I approached him. Seeing the delicate way he looked at me, as if he couldn't believe that I had chosen him ... I fell a little more in love with him.

He walked forward, a ghost of a smile on his lips, as his hands rested in his pockets.

"You're mine now, forever—and I'm going to love you until the end of time. Until the earth itself folds in on itself and there's nothing left but the stars and the moon – I will still love you." he whispered, the glint in his eyes enough to make my legs shake.

He looked down at me with his captivating eyes, with so much love and affection that the happiness that spread throughout my body was enough to fill the oceans of the world ten times over.

I smiled. "Don't ever let me go,"

"Never," he whispered. 



The journey has been real you all. Thank you so much for the continued support and love you all furnished me with, without it the success and completion of this story wouldn't have been possible. So, thank you, from the bottom of my heart for sticking with this story through all the ups and downs and frustrations, thank you so very much.

I can't believe Emery and Aiden's story is finally over, it's going to be so sad waking up and not thinking about how I'm going to continue with these characters' stories. I hope you all enjoyed the ride and thank you again for everything.

Words can't describe the joy in my heart right now.

So, I guess this is goodbye.

For now ;)

- Katy

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