20. Unforgettable Memories (Edited)

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If you had told me at the beginning of the year that I was going to come to have feelings for Aiden Parker I would've laughed straight in your face and told you that I had my eyes set on only one person. That I have for most of my life. But it's amazing to think how much is truly so unknown to you. How much you don't know about the world and how it works.

If you had told me that I would become close friends with Riley, Blake, and Carter there's no doubt I would've asked you if you'd been dropped on your head as a child, but as I sat in the red leather booth, surrounded by the people who I now called my friends, I couldn't help but feel happy.

We were in a circular booth, somewhere near the middle section of the café. Carter and Riley were currently drinking hot cups of coffee, meanwhile Aiden and I were enjoying hot chocolate, and Autumn was having herself a piece of some newly flavored pie that the store now offered. Apparently, it was some sort of Christmas flavor they offered during the month of December. Blake was drinking a latte of sorts with an insane amount of espresso shots in it.

"You still up for the party next Friday?" Blake asked as he took a drink of his espresso.

Blake was trying to convince Aiden that it'd be a good idea to throw him a birthday party this coming Friday at Aiden's house. Apparently, Chad was negotiating a super important sports contract with a big-name basketball player in New York and Amanda wanted to tag along so she could do some sightseeing in the city. Aiden had told me that he was going to have a small celebration with just his parents and they were going to go out to dinner Thursday, on the night of his birthday. He had invited me to come, but I didn't want to intrude on a family celebration.

Aiden chuckled, setting down his hot chocolate. "I don't even know half the people who show up to these parties you throw!"

"Oh yeah!" Carted laughed. "Like that one girl, Monica, who tried to get you to do shots off her stomach!"

"What?!" I cried, turning to look at Aiden.

Shots off someone's stomach? Dear god, how wild did these parties get? I didn't even know you could do that. Well, to add to that I've never even drank alcohol in my entire life so...

"It's a long story," Aiden sighed.

I watched as Riley rolled her eyes. "That girl was a total slut. Let's not forget after she tried to get Aiden to do shots off her stomach she went and tried to seduce Carter into bed with her. But instead she somehow ends up sleeping with that one!" she turned a blind eye to Blake.

He had taken a drink of his latte and nearly choked on it when Riley revealed that. Not to mention, Autumn had turned towards him, glaring at him with an evil eye.

He looked back at her. "What?! She was hot!"

I covered my mouth with my hand to muffle the giggle that came out as I looked over at Aiden, who shook his head, mouthing, she was ugly. I couldn't help but smile at that.

"Why am I not surprised?" Autumn muttered and I could tell that Blake's comment was bothering her on the inside. I wouldn't say those two are exactly dating, but they've definitely been getting pretty close, in fact they've been flirting with each other a lot lately and I think all of us can feel the obvious attraction they have towards each other. It radiates off the both of them like a space heater on full blast.

"Seriously dude, I'm throwing you that party whether you like it not, so you better be prepared for a hell of a night!" Blake laughed.

Aiden sighed as I looked over at him. I couldn't help but wonder why he was fighting this party so much. I knew for a fact that Aiden loved to party and have fun, so seeing him so opposed to this didn't make any sense. A part of me was sort of happy that he wasn't pushing for it just because I knew how certain girls act at certain boys' birthday parties, but it is his birthday. And you only turn nineteen once after all.

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