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"You should've punched her dead in her mouth." Jac told me while flipping through a magazine. We had our hair and nail appointments today instead of the mall trip.

"I don't know how to fight." I'd never had to fight anyone. This was the first time I had gotten bullied.

"So what? If someone is testing your patience don't be afraid to go off on they ass. You'll fight when you get tired of her."  I didn't want to fight, I wanted to be left alone. I wanted to still be my invisible self. I didn't have these problems until now.     "Jac, I don't think I want this anymore." I said looking down. Jac closed her magazine and turned her head to look at me.

"This change is what you wanted but now shit got shooken up a little bit you're scared. It's going to be different from here on out ok? You wanted it, you got it. There's no turning back. Stop being a baby all the time! Everyone ain't gonna treat your ass like a baby." She relaxed her face and closed her eyes to enjoy the rest of her pedicure. "Madisyn, I promise you this is the only way for shit to go right in high school, especially with the boys. Fuck Tiara and all those other hoes. Don't ever tell me another story like what happened today, got that? Lesson number 1, be a bitch and take control."

"Ok." I said quietly opening my magazine.  Jac's right. It has to get worse before it gets better.


We didn't get out the Salon until almost 10. Getting my hair done has never taken this long or hurt this bad. "You actually get these sew-ins all the time? They hurt so bad." I couldn't stop trying to rub my throbbing scalp.

"Shut up crying. Beauty is pain, my dear." She said as we pulled into the driveway. I could see my mother making her way towards the door from our living room window. I sighed getting out the car and walked to the door. We walked in together to our mother's yelling.

"Where were you! It's almost 11 at night!" She screamed with her hands on her hips.

"Obviously we got our hair done." Jac said flipping her hair and scrunching up her face.

"You should've been had your butt home, you have a son that needs his Mother! Or have you forgotten he exists Jacquelyn." My mother was livid.

"You always trying to fuckin' play me like I don't love my son. Fuck out of here with that Ma, he's well taken care of." She knows better than to cuss at mom.

"Because of me! That's because of me Jacquelyn! I have to take off from work early to do your damn job!" She was screming by now.

"Whatever Ma!" Jac went upstairs. I still hadn't said anything to my Mom. I was just letting those two hash it out. Jac had came back downstairs with two duffel bags in her hand.

"Where do you think you're going!" The screaming continued.

"I got stuff to do man." She said sighing and stopping in her tracks.

"If I wasn't a sane human being and a sanctified christian woman  and some heartless brute, I'd throw you out on the street. You're an ungrateful, spoiled, disrespectful sad excuse of a mother and a daughter. Why can't you be more like Madisyn?" They've had countless blow upsbut this one takes the cake. I've never heard my Mom talk with so much hate and a venomous tone. "Jacquelyn,  if you leave tonight don't bother coming back. And this will be the last time you see Braylon."

Jac turned around to look my Mom in the face. "Do what you feel. Bye." And then she was gone, who knows how long this time. The one I truly feel sorry for is Bray. He constantly has to hear all this bullshit and know he's the cause for it and it's not his fault. My mom was sitting silently at the dining room table massaging her temples. Poor Mom.

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