|1| The Usual

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You grabbed your satchel and ran out the house. Ah, isn't it great to wake up late? Just running down the street to work and you might probably bump into someone or hurt yourself; think of the possibilities!

' I'm gonna be late- Agh I really need to get a new clock '

You glanced at your watch ; 10:15
You had 5 minutes and you were 2 blocks away from the cafe you might make it...or the universe wants to screw with you and make you wait to cross- and thATS what it exactly what you had to do: wait to cross.

By the time you were at work it was 10:35. Now you were officially late because Boss usually let a employee come an hour late from the time the cafe opens, after 10:20 you officially screwed.
You raced in the cafe hoping Max could cover for you while you get ready. Welp karma because Max was busy talking to some customer and Boss was sitting at one of the tables. Boss looked up and he frowned.

" Where were you?" You gulped racking your mind to think of something.

" I-I... Uh..." You coughed as you felt your face flush with your ears." W-woke up late."  Boss sighed dramatically and stood up.

" That's the fourth time this week! (Y/n) I swear come in on time or you'll work double shifts!" Boss wasn't threatening, he was a good guy he just hates it when employees don't come in on time.

"Y-yes sir..." You looked down avoiding eye contact. You heard him walk out the room and you looked up to see Max Stare at you with a smirk on his face.

" Woke up late huh?"

" Shut up! My alarm clock isn't working and I need a new one!" You said as you placed you satchel on the counter and took out a brush.

" Heh I'll get you a new one if ya want I don't mind. "

" Thanks Max. " you started to finish brushing your ears after all you had to look nice for work.
Don't know when a cute guy might walk in.

" So...can you do Dishes?" You looked up at him. Literally.

" Seriously?"

" Hey! You want that clock right?" You put the brush back put your satchel away and shifted over to the sink which was overflowing with dirty dishes. You did this all while glaring at Max but he kept smirking.


It took you Two and a half hours to finish the dishes. It's been a long day for you but for Max he was having a grand old time not even noticing you sulking in the corner eating a bagel. Well that's life for you anyway, then you noticed a demon and what looked like a guy with a cup for a head call your friend over Sam; Sam usually was a sweet and forgiving pup but sometimes she can be mean. You walked over the counter to see them closer something about them seem interesting. The guy with a cup for a head noticed you and he smiled and whispered to his demon friend. They both looked at you then looked at eachother they seem to smile and nod. Now you were confused.

' what the heck? '

//Cupheads POV//

I tell Bendy that we should bring Mugs here and Boris to so he doesn't feel left out.

" Why?" Bendy questioned.

" Why? We-well because there are some pretty hot chicks around here man! There's one over there staring at us! She probably would be good for mugs 'cause he hadn't ever had interest in someone so we should give him a chance! Maybe Boris could find one too! Hell maybe we'll find one!" I whispered to him. He seemed to like the idea of finding a someone to care for him and so do I.


Sorry if it's kinda short! Expect longer chapters later!

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