|11| Worst Nightmare [Part 3]

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" Get behind me. "

The sound get louder until you both heard a very familiar.

" I'm ok! " Then a thud. You both glanced at each other and hurried towards the sound. Turns out it was Bendy and Cuphead.

" Cuppy! " Mugs exclaimed. Cuphead had landed on Bendy who was currently unconscious. Cuphead looked up as Mugs hurried towards him.

" M-mugs! Where are you? " Mugs smiled.

" Right here silly! "

" Heh sorry things are kinda blurry. " Bendy glanced at you and huffed. He mouthed ' help me ' you just shrugged.

" That's cute and all but can you get off of me? " Cuphead and Mugs got off of Bendy and he stood up straight. Bendy walked over to you. " Have you seen Boris around? " You shook your head. Bendy looked kinda sad. You tried to comfort him. " Also what happened to you? " Bendy motioned towards the side of your rib cage. He lifted your shirt a little to see the bandages.

" Oh yeah 'bout that Mugs saved me from this monster that attacked me. " Bendy looked back at the two cup brothers and gave them a small smile. You guessed that Bendy was thinking that maybe he could trust them after all. " Come on Bendy let's look for your Brother and Felix. " You both started walking calling out for Boris and Felix. While the brothers lagged behind talking about something. Before you two walked any further Bendy turned on his heel.

" What are you two doing? We have to find the coolest one of the group here! " I guess this is one of those times that Cuphead decided to be a jackass. (Not gonna lie I dislike Cuphead in this universe but not really.. Know what I mean?)

" I'm already here idiot! " Bendy smirked.

" pff..You wish! " Bendy walked beside Cuphead. " Hey maybe we'll find your pal jackpot! " Cuphead put his comb though his hair once and it returned to its normal state.

" Unlikely. " Mugs was walking next to you and you didn't notice because you felt like you were being watched again.

' Did it find us? Are we all gonna die? I really need to stop panicking... '

" (Y/n)? " Mugs voice cut through you thoughts like a knife. " Are you ok? " before you could say anything you all heard a low growl. You looked up. It was that monster again. It slammed in front of you. Then went limp.

" Wait.. It's dead? " You said as you got closer to see some blood leak from its head. You looked up to see Felix.

' Holy shit Felix '

" F-Felix that was-" Bendy cut you off.

" AMAZING!! " You sighed and looked over. Boris was catching up and Felix seemed to have jackpot. Once Jackpot was returned to Cuphead and Bendy and Boris got reunited everyone calmed down.

" I was so worried when I saw your satchel-" You perked up.

" My satchel?! "

" Yeah I'm sure it still has it. " You hurried towards the monster and you saw almost instantly that yours satchel was hooked onto one of the monsters legs.

" Yeah! I see it!" Felix glanced at Bendy.

" Did it attack you too Bendy? Your hair is such a mess. " Bendy scratched the back of his neck.

" Oh no that's a different story. " Felix took out a brush.

" Well you'll have to tell me while I help you with your messy hair! " Bendy's face turned red.

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