Trolls Hunted

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Changing up the Lake's backstory a little bit because why would you keep the last name of the guy who abandoned you and your child? In my story Lake is Barbara's maiden name and Jim is named after her father.
'Suzanna pov.'

"Thanks for getting me out of the house on time Sue." Jim says as we ride our bikes towards school.

"Eh, no prob, thanks for making me lunch." I say as I pat my backpack. Toby's pedaling his bike behind us while panting tiredly.

"Come on Toby, you've already lost a lot of weight, just let me give you a lift on my pegs." Jim says as we look back at him. He was probably up all night doing the exercise routine I planned for him. Jim's right though, Toby has lost a lot of weight since I helped him diet. I'm curvy myself but I help people get to a weight they're comfortable with.

"No no, I got this bud." He pants.

"Why don't we go through the canal? If you go down at full speed you can make it to the other side and it'll be faster." I grin as I turn towards said canal. The boys follow me as I speed through the shortcut. Jim beats me to the downward slope and rolls to the bottom of the canal. I squint in confusion when I see the pile of rocks near the bridge. I walked past here yesterday and those weren't there. Jim squats next to the pile and Toby nearly hits me with his bike when he rides down the slope.

"James Lake." A whispery voice says in my ear. I spin around and search for the source.

"You heard that right?" Jim asks as we stare at our surroundings. Toby shakes his head and we all freeze as the voice repeats itself. We turn towards the pile of rocks and I spot a blue glow.

"Jim." I breathe as I nudge his shoulder. He kneels next to the glow and lifts a rock off the pile. The blue glow washes over us and we gasp. Jim picks up the item, a strange looking amulet, and we stare at it in awe. My watch beeps and I blink myself out of my stupor.

"Ah shishkebab, we need to book it boys!" I shout as I pick my bike up and run out of the canal. Toby and Jim follows and we pedal to school. We lock our bikes to the rack and sprint to class. I throw myself in my chair and the boys follow right as the bell rings.

"So glad you all could make it." Our teacher says dryly as we give them an innocent look. They turn back to the board and we laugh quietly to each other.

*After school*

"So you're switching schools to go to Tyler Prep with your soulmate?" I ask my friend May as we walk out of the building. She mutters something in Spanish and I chuckle at her.

"Suzanna! Come on girl, your cousin's about to get his ass kicked!" Carie Smith squeals as she runs past us. I groan and sprint outside. Steve has Jim by the collar and looks like he's about to pound his face in.

"Drop the nerd, Meat Head." I say loudly. The crowd backs off and Steve scoffs at me.

"Stay out of this Suzanna." Steve growls as he pulls his fist back. I grab his hand and pull it away from Jim's face. He drops Jim and shoves me to the ground. I press a hand to my face with a quiet gasp of pain. I look back up but my right eye is swollen. Jim stares at me in quiet shock before giving Steve a murderous look and clocking him right in the face. The crowd roars in approval and Toby and Claire help me up.

"I can't believe Jim just hit Steve like that. Violence is never the answer." She says with disapproval.

"Um girl have you been watching? Steve just gave Suzanna a shiner. You know, our friend?" Darci asks as she pokes near my eye. I wince when the school doors are thrown open and Coach asks what's going on.

"Coach! Jim knocked out my tooth!" Steve whines with a weird slur.

"That's because Steve hit Suzanna Lake in the face and gave her a black eye!" A kid in the crowd shouts.

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