Truth be told

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'Suzanna pov.'
"So this isn't good." I note as Jim coddles a knocked out Draal.

"That is an understatement my dear." Strickler hums as he resets the ax trap. Nomura is busy laughing crazily on the floor.

"He-he-a book case fell on him!" She cackles as tears fall from her face.

"My love, Angor will be here soon. Weapon up." I tell her as I point to her twin khopesh on the floor.

"How's mom?" Jim asks as from his position kneeling beside Draal.

"Um. Drinking from the pitcher." I answer as Strickler and I stare at her. She puts the pitcher down and sighs.

"Let me get this straight. There are good trolls and bad trolls, and somehow you?" She asks shakily.

"If I may, there is a vast world beneath our feet, Barbara, and your son and niece have stirred up a heap of trouble." Strickler says. Nomura growls at him and pulls me against her chest.

"This is all so..." Aunt Barbara trails off with a shake of her head.

"I'll give you all a moment." Strickler mumbles as he steps away.

"I can't believe this is what you two have been doing. All those late nights, getting arrested, the hospital! Why are you this Trollfighter? And who's she?!" Aunt Barbara asks as she gestures at Nomura.

"Oh. This is Nomura. She's my....soulmate." I say with a nervous grin. Nomura purrs and hugs me.

"And it's trollhunter mom." Jim responds.

"You two should be worried about high school and girls, not this- I mean can't you just ask someone else to do it?" She asks desperately.

"No, mom. I was chosen for this. I have a responsibility." Jim says gravely.

"And I have a responsibility to my cousin. It's not like we're defenseless! I have a sabre, and I'm quite the skilled sorceress." I boast.

"Ms. Lake, I understand how you must be feeling. But Draal and I-when he's awake anyway-will protect our soulmates until our dying breaths." Nomura swears.

"What is she talking about?" Aunt Barbara demands of Jim.

"You pepper sprayed your son in law." I deadpan.

"Suzanna!" Jim hisses.

"They're only troll married." I promise her.

"Ms. Lake, you have to leave." Nomura orders as she sniffs the air. Strickler appears around the corner with an alarmed look. The cans for the Basement trap start rattling and we freeze. I tackle Aunt Barbara as they explode.

"The basement." Jim whispers.

"What's in the basement?" Aunt Barbara demands.

"Draal was supposed to guard it." I squeak. A small black ball rolls from the door. It crackles before the lights go out.

"Mittens autem impetum!" I chant as I wave my hands toward the basement. I hear Angor roar in pain as my attack reaches him. Nomura grabs me and Aunt Barbara and pushes us down behind the small barrier. A pink thing flashes around the room and Jim dons the armor.

"Stay down Aunt B. Nomura will protect us." I whisper as we wrap our arms around each other.

"Stick to the plan, you know what to do." Strickler orders Jim. I cast a night vision charm and look around.

"Jim look out!" I warn as Angor Rot crawls on the ceiling. A pink ball hits Jim and Angor attacks.

"You did not run, brave hunter. But the brave are the first to die." Angor rasps.

"Get them out of here!" Jim orders. I gasp as Nomura and Strickler pick us up and carry us to the basement.

"No! Not without Jim!" Aunt Barbara cries.

"Nomura what are you doing?!" I demand.

"I won't lose the only one who showed me kindness." She says as Strickler clears the tunnel to the sewers.

"What's going to happen to Jim?" Aunt Barbara asks.

"He'll be fine." Strickler insists.

"That's a lie!" I cry as I struggle in Nomura's arms.

"I have to help my son!" Aunt Barbara shouts as she slaps Mr. Strickler. She gasps in pain as she feels the sensation.

"What was that?!" She demands.

"You have to leave. Now." Strickler orders as he flashes his eyes.

"What are you, Walt?" Aunt Barbara asks.

"He tried to kill Jim!" I tell her from Nomura's arms.

"What?!" Aunt Barbara demands angrily. Strickler shakes his head and runs up the stairs.

"My love please. Please let us help him." I cry as tears slip down my cheeks. Nomura sighs and sets me down.

"As you wish." She whispers before kissing me. She rushes upstairs and Aunt Barbara eyes a shovel.

"Stay here. We have this." I promise as I unsheath my sabre. I pound up the stairs and exit to see Nomura slammed to the ground.

"Hey! Come get me." I snarl as I toss some pure magic at him. He roars and chases me as I run upstairs with Jim and Strickler behind us. I run to the window and he nearly grabs me before the stones activate, trapping him.

"Ha! Fell into your own trap. Thanks for the idea." Jim pants. Strickler gives us a look and we nod before he turns on the UV lights.
Just then, Aunt Barbara throws open the door and hits Angor, deactivating the stones.

"Get away from my boy!" She screams.

"Mom, no! Get out of here!" Jim cries. Strickler takes on Angor and Jim escorts Aunt Barbara out the door. Strickler cries out and I step in front of him as Angor swings a knife. It stabs my shoulder and I gasp as I collapse. Draal roars as he shoves Angor against the wall and I feel gentle hands cradle me.

"No!" Nomura screams as she engulfs me in her arms. She picks me up and carries me down the stairs while Jim and Aunt Barbara follow us with horror filled looks.

"We have to take her to the hospital!" Aunt Barbara insists.

"No, modern medicine won't help her. We need to go to Trollmarket." Strickler tells us as he starts the car. Nomura runs her hand through my hair as she cries silently.

"We'll save you my love. You won't die." She swears.

"At least...Aunt B Blinky." I pant.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Aunt Barbara sobs.

"No mom, I'm sorry. Suzanna wanted to tell you from the beginning but I wouldn't let her." Jim sighs. A magic blast rocks the car and Strickler slams on the gas. I groan as the car jerks around. Strickler turns and drives through the trees. We stop and the others look around.

"Where is he?" Jim whispers.

"Perhaps now it's time to call your friends." Strickler suggests. Angor appears in front of the car and Strickler drives us away quickly. Jim calls Toby and screams at him to open the door to Trollmarket. We drive into the canal and Jim throws his daggers at Angor.

"Drive! Under the bridge, straight at the wall!" Jim shouts. Strickler steps on the gas and we speed toward the bridge. Aunt Barbara screams as we pass through the doorway. The car falls and skids to a stop inside the market. Nomura carries me out and the trolls react violently to her and Strickler.

"My love..." Nomura's voice echoes as darkness surrounds me.

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