Train to Fight

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'Suzanna pov.'
"This place is amazing!" I squeal as I run around the hero's forge.

"Please be careful." Blinky sighs.

"Blinkous Galadrigal!" An old troll snaps as he storms into the forge.

"That's your name?" Jim snorts. I elbow him and try to force back a smile.

"Where is this so called trollhunter." The old troll questions. I'm like, pretty sure he's blind, but his glassy eyes seem to stare into my soul.

"That would be me." Jim says shyly as he steps forward with the amulet. Vendel inspects him and I spot a group of trolls watching us from the entrance of the forge.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you guys it's not polite to stare?" I ask coldly. A few of them back away with sheepish grins but most stay, and some even glare back at me. I inch closer to Jim and the group advances toward us. Now they're more like an angry mob.

"A human cannot be trollhunter, it is Draal's rightful place!" A small female squeals angrily. The trolls around her shout in agreement and one rips the amulet out of Jim's hands. Several pick up us humans and start carrying us towards the cliff. I scream and turn to look at Aaarrrgghh desperately. Several larger trolls are holding him back and I smack my forehead.

"Pacifist. Of course." I growl. Blinky's no match for them and I'm pretty sure Vendel is just watching to see what happens. Toby is freaking out and Jim is holding a hand to a cut on his head. When did they hit him?

"Release him!" A rage filled voice roars. The group stops close to the edge and I take a shaky breath.

"Draal? We were just-"

"Release my mate or I will cut you to pieces." The angry troll growls. Oh my God. His skin colour matches the color of Jim's soulmark, which is a large blue fist. Fitting, this guy looks like he could take Bular easy, and I've seen that guy fully pissed off. The mob sets us down and I touch Jim's cut hesitantly. I snarl and rip the amulet out of the hands of one of the trolls.

"He's hurt." I tell 'Draal' frantically. He scoops Jim into his arms and I turn to Toby.

"Stay with Aaarrrgghh and Blinky, I'm going to get Jim fixed up." I tell him as I follow Draal out of the forge.

"How do you know my mate?" Draal rumbles as we walk through the outskirts of Trollmarket.

"Don't worry, I'm his cousin. You know, I never thought his soulmate would be a troll. Oh man, does this mean mine is a troll?" I gasp as I touch where my mark is. We come to a heavy wooden door with several keep out and warnings signs on it. Draal nudges it open and we walk in.

"Woah, fancy." I hum as I examine his home. It's all one large room, with a door leading to what I assume is his bathroom. There's a huge bed against the far wall and large furniture is spread here and there, with a bookcase full of strategy books. Draal lays Jim on the bed and I examine his wound.

"Looks like he doesn't need stitches. Could I get a wet cloth and something to wrap around his head?" I ask as I poke around the cut. Jim groans and slaps my hands away. I chuckle and take the requested items from Draal.

"Jimbo, you're gonna be so embarrassed when you fully wake up." I sigh. I gently rub the cloth around the cut to get off the blood before taking the long piece of fabric and wrapping it around his head.

"Well that should do it. Think you can keep an eye on him?" I ask Draal as I stand.

"You're not staying?" He asks.

"You kidding? I have school, and I have to keep this whole Trollhunter thing a secret from Jim's mom. I'll be back to get him either tomorrow or the day after. Just keep him in the bed and don't be too vigorous." I say with a suggestive leer. Draal sputters and I giggle as I make my escape. Good luck with that, Jim.

'Jim pov.'
I groan as my eyes flutter open. I reach up to touch my head but freeze when I feel large arms tighten around me.

"So you're finally awake." A deep voice rumbles. I manage to turn myself around and look into the face of the troll that saved us yesterday.

"Yeah." I answer quietly as I study my soulmate. He's handsome, in a savage brute kind of way. I reach up and run a finger along the crystals on his back and he shudders.

"You need to heal that cut of yours quickly, because I plan on training you. Bular will tremble at the sound of your name. My mate shall be the greatest Trollhunter in history." Draal rumbles to me. I blush and hide my face in his chest.

"Even if by some miracle I become a good enough fighter to defeat Bular, you get the final blow. He took so much away from you." I mumble.

"You are a good mate. For now, rest. Your training begins soon."

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