two | high school sucks

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"I'm never gonna dance againGuilty feet have got no rhythmThough it's easy to pretendI know you're not a fool"

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"I'm never gonna dance again
Guilty feet have got no rhythm
Though it's easy to pretend
I know you're not a fool"

Careless Whisper
By George Michael (1984)

Valerie was extremely nervous. She was returning to the high school she had left a year ago and now is filled with people who think that she had somehow killed her best friend. She tossed on jeans and a classic purple sweater before heading down to eat some breakfast to deal with the day. "Hey Vallie. We're having some eggos this morning. Won't be as good as the food you had in Florida but hey it's breakfast." Claudia shouted brightly in a cheery mood as scrambled around the kitchen, placing the pale waffles on a plate before handing it to her daughter. "Mama, believe me. The food wasn't that great." Valerie poked the waffle with a fork as her mother let out a burst of bright and happy laughter.

"What else is there to get? Oh, OJ." The mother stepped towards the fridge as her son walked into the kitchen and sat next to his sister. His smile widened as he reminisced the times before. When the family sat together during Valerie's favorite meal and laughed and argued about stupid little things. This moment came close to that until the two looked at the food and remembered the bad times from a year ago, they never really could look at waffles the same. Valerie remembered the moments where the boys dragged her into Mike's basement and there was a mysterious girl, living on eggos. "Hey Dust, do you want a lift to school? Or you riding with the boys?" Valerie added syrup to her waffles and butter before cutting it into little pieces. Dustin chewed on his waffles slowly before swallowing them and answering his sister with a shake of his head.

"We'll ride. Thanks though." With his mouth filled with food, The young boy smiled at his sister before gulping down the food along with the juice that his mother had given him before quickly running out of the house and jumping on his bike. "Thanks, Mama." Valerie drank the juice and chatted with her mother, catching up on how things had changed. The town was still quiet but her mother had informed the girl of Barb's parents hiring a man who blamed the Russians for her disappearance. Valerie stayed quiet when her mother mentioned it. She so desperately wanted to tell everyone the truth, but she never could and she would never dare.

"Alright then, I guess you have to go to school. I'll see you when you get home." Claudia stood up and gave her daughter a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek before the young girl ran out of the house in a rush. As she drove past the houses of old friends, she thought about how she'd left them behind as she escaped. Nancy was with Steve whom she had missed. Steve and Valerie had a playful teasing going on before she left and she hadn't talked to him since Will was in the hospital.

Valerie sat across the room from Steve, ignoring his stares after what they had been through. Steve watched as she drummed her shaky fingers against her jeans which had been completely wrecked after that night. She had a slight cut above her eyebrow that had a small trail of dry blood coming from it. Their eyes connected from across the room and almost immediately, Valerie stood up from her seat and walked out of the waiting room. No one paid much attention to the girl except Steve and Nancy. Nancy's eyebrows furrowed and she became further confused as Steve stood up and rushed after her causing a slight pang to go to her chest. But she ignored it as she saw Jonathan walk in.

Valerie walked quickly down the halls with tears gathering in her eyes as it all became too much. All the shit that had happened was too much for her. Barb dying, A fucking monster and Steve suddenly becoming a hero and stepping up. "Val, wait-" Steve grabbed onto her bicep causing the girl to stop but not face him. Steve released her and walked in front of her, cuts and bruises scattered across his face whereas his hair was a fluffy as ever. "Where are you going?" He asked, concern strong in his voice as he looked down at the girl who trembled. He was tempted to reach out and hold her but he hesitated once she looked up at him with a weak smile.

"Just home. I- I need some time. Just to process everything." Valerie swallowed the lump in her throat as her mind was racing and Steve being in front of her was not helping. "Talk to me, Val. Please." Steve pleaded as he thought of ways to help the girl that looked so broken in front of him. But he couldn't. Only time and space could. "I'll see you tomorrow. Okay?" Valerie smiled at him as her bottom lip quivered. Steve clenched his jaw and nodded but not before bringing her into a hug and resting his head upon the top of her head. She felt safe, but she knew it wouldn't last and with that, she pulled away and rounded the corner without looking back at the heartbroken Steve. All he could do was go back to the waiting room and provide comfort to someone who actually wanted it: Nancy.

She had been harboring a crush on him before everything went sideways but for Nancy's sake, she kept it to herself and watched as her best friend continued her fling. And then there was Jonathan whom she had been best friends with. When his brother disappeared, Valerie and Jonathan both blamed themselves for it. Valerie should've pushed to give him a lift home and Jonathan should've been home.

Valerie knew that she was a coward for leaving her friends and family to deal with everything on their own. As she drove into the parking lot, she felt her heart beat faster in her chest and her breath quicken. She quickly parked her car and as she got out, she could hear the whisperings of teenage rumors that were oh, so obvious. Valerie quickly walked into the school avoiding eye contact with most of the people that stared at her and headed to the front office. "Hi, I'm here to get my new schedule."

"Of cours-Valerie Henderson? My god, honey how are you?" Mrs. Lewis was the nice old lady who worked at the office where Valerie would often help out with as her job. Valerie was the type to become friends with random old ladies at any job. Others found that a bit weird, but Valerie just loved hearing them talk about their lives and how they had lived. "I'm good, Mrs. Lewis. How are the grandchildren? Louise and Martha" Seeing Mrs. Lewis had no doubt put Valerie in a good mood and a smile on her face. She felt normal and not like the new kid. "Those darn grandchildren will be the death of me. Here's your schedule. We'll save gossip later." The two said goodbye before Valerie sat through her first lesson back which was hell. The rumors spreading around in the hour she had been there had been insane.

Some said that the police had brought her back to investigate her involvement with Barb, some said that she had been released from a Mental asylum and the nut jobs of the school thought she'd been abducted by aliens or Russians. It was almost hard to believe that Valerie returning from Florida was a hot topic but it was Hawkins and they were starved for entertainment here. Exiting the class with her hands full of paper, Valerie walked down the hall before spotting Jonathan Byers who walked towards her with his head down, avoiding eye contact with people.

"Jonathan!" Valerie chuckle before throwing her arms around him, the papers that she had fell to the floor but they both just ignored it as they were reunited. She heard him gasp and stutter, lost for words as he looked at his best friend who was in his arms. "Valerie, oh my god. Where have you been? I've missed you. We've all missed you." The two pulled apart and chuckled, ignoring the people staring at the pair. They bent down and picked up the papers before Valerie shoved them into her bag. "I've been in Florida experiencing the beaches and the sunshine, unlike this place. I've missed you too." The two continued to stroll down the halls, letting each know every detail that has happened since Valerie had been gone. It all felt so familiar. As the two parted ways to carry on with their school day, Valerie thought she would rush to the middle school to see her brother and the boys.

Valerie mostly wanted to see Will. She wanted to see the boy, it had been so long and she just wanted to see him healthy and happy. Like before.

I SHOULD NOT BE WRITING THIS BUT AT THE SAME TIME THIS IS ON MY BREAK SO YAY. I am sick and I have an exam tomorrow morning and I have no idea how I am going to get anything done. I just thought that I would do a quick chapter before Riverdale tomorrow night so I can update my other fanfic (Self-promo). I will get so many chapters done next week when I am less stressed so for now. So yes. Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did writing it.

Thanks, Queenie.


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