The beginning

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Hello everyone!
My name is Lunar Heart and this is my third book.
My first book is another MLP story of the daughter of Princess Luna, and the second book is a crossover of Once Upon A Time and Harry Potter. I'm from the Netherlands, so if you see any mistakes please comment! Feel free to share and vote. Just so you know, i don't own Anything except Lunaria/Lunar Heart, The bullies, Lunar heart's true love (i'm not going to tell you his name just yet), Her adoptive parents, the storyline and some of the drawings that you'll see in this book.

(Edited on 23-06-2022)

🌙Luna POV🌙

The sun shone brightly down on our kingdom. It was like it knew what kind of day it would be. Today would be the day that we presented my newly born daughter to the kingdom. Seeing as this has never happened before, my sister wanted to throw a big party to celebrate.

I was sitting on my cresent moon shaped, dark blue bed. The bed itself was decorated with stars of every size. Next to my bed was a black cradle, in which my sweet daughter was sleeping in. Even though she was just a few days old, my sister and i didn't want any harm to befall her. We were already so protective over her. I don't know what i would do if she was harmed or if i lost her. 

My sister, Celestia, was so very excited that she was an aunt. But i knew that there was no mare so happy as i. I was the luckiest mare in the whole world to have such a shining star as my daughter.

In just an hour or two the celebration would start. Celestia was in the throne room, overseeing the last preparations for the party. Everypony in the whole kingdom was invited to the celebration. All, except for one mare. The only mare who would dare to harm my only daughter, and the last thing i had of my lost love. 

I stood up from my bed, while i sighed. I knew that i shouldn't think about that wicked mare on such a happy and bright day. I smiled as the sunlight shone brightly on my face. I stood there for a few moments, just enjoying the sun, before turning around to face the cradle where my daughter was still sleeping in. I walked forward and kissed her forehead, her light blue eyes opened. I pulled back as my daughter laughed at me. I picked my daughter up with my magic and opened the doors. 

I walked to the throne room, wanting to see how far everything was. Once i arrived in the throne room, Celestia looked at me. She smiled before comming my way, it seems the preparations were done. I put my daughter in the identical cradle that was also in my room. My daughter yawned, before she giggled. I smiled at her, before sitting down on my dark blue throne. Next to my throne sat an identical throne. But this throne was yellow coloured, symbolising the sun. This throne belonged to my sister, Princess Celestia, who controlled the sun. 

Celestia looked at my daughter and smiled one of the biggest smiles i have ever seen on her face. "She is so adorable, little sister!" She spoke, still smiling brightly. "I agree, my dear sister. She is the most precious star in the whole world." I replied, smiling at my sister who was walking to her own throne. 

The doors opened once more the moment Celestia sat down on her throne. Many ponies entered the hall. Ponies from all across Equestria came, even the royal princess from the Crystal Empire. They had taken over the empire once my lost love had been defeated for his misguided actions. We had made an alliance with them. Pincess Mi Amore Candenza, who prefered the name Candece, was the oldest. She quickly became good friends with my sister, bonding over their 'annoying' younger sisters, as Celestia put it. 

Princess Twilight Sparkle was the younger sister, like me. We both bonded over our overprotective elder sisters, our love for the night sky and reading. As you can see, it wasn't that hard to form an alliance with the two princesses from the crystal empire. 

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