Chapter 15

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I was scared for my life, actually. Even though I had all the evidence that proved me innocent, it feels as if no one believed me.  Helena refused to take the stand from the very beginning. In her words, she was "too scared" to even say what happened.
After waiting for three hours for the results, we were suddenly called back in. Robert came in with two security guards. They said it was time. They handcuffed me and I was escorted back into the courtroom. Upon entering, I noticed the same people from before, only this time they all seemed anxious.
I sat down and we awaited for the judge to come back from his chambers. Each juror passed their paper to the one near the security guard. Once Judge Morrison came in, everyone settled down quietly.

"Have you guys reached a verdict?" Morrison asked as he accommodated his papers.

"Yes we have." A juror responded, handing over the papers to the guard in front of her. He bowed his head and took it over to Morrison.
Upon receiving the results, he read through them as quickly as he could, practically skipping most of the words. He went through them again, just in case he had missed something important.

"Very well. On the charge of first-degree rape, how do you find the defendant?"
At this point, the room was so quiet that you could if a needle fell a mile away from you. I gritted my teeth anxiously, hoping to hear something positive.

The juror stood up, and faced the judge. "We find the defendant not guilty."
I sighed of relief and teared up as I heard those words smoothly come out of her mouth. Max and Ian, who were behind me at all times, cheered softly.

Judge Morrison announced that a trial against Helena would start next week because she lied to the police, and doctors. She started to cry, no, scream.
"I'll fucking kill you!" She tried to run towards Morrison, but was thrown to the floor by two guards. "I will kill all of you!"

He chuckled a little, finding Helena's actions to be of those of a child. "Now you have to charges against you." He looked at her and realized she was trying to bite the guards and escape. "Make that three charges. Have a nice day, Helena." And with that he slammed his gavel and left to his chambers, completely ignoring Helena's screams.

For the first time in five months, I was finally granted to walk freely. Five whole months of trauma.
As I walked down the long staircase in front of the court hall, I saw a familiar face waiting for me at the end of it.
"I never thought you'd look so good in a tuxedo." Isabelle smiled as a tinge of red appeared on her cheeks.

"I never thought I'd be in love, yet here I am." I smiled back, admiring her beauty as I spoke.

She giggled and suddenly gasped. "I got you something." She went through her purse humming, looking for the thing she got for me. She smiled as she grabbed it, a brand new pack of Marlboro cigarettes. "I know it's been hard on you, these past five months. And like many people, you smoke in order to calm your stress and anxiety. So I got you one while I waited for the verdict."

"What if I had come out guilty?" She smirked, looking towards the streets where cars would pass by at high speeds.

"I might of just started smoking. We all have to die of something anyways." I laughed at her sarcastic tone, trying to imitate my voice yet failing.

I smiled ecstatically and got closer to her, feeling her warmth for the first time in months. I moved the strands of hair on her face to the back of her ear, gazing at her beautiful eyes. I got closer as I caressed her cheeks, admiring each and every freckle she had around her cheeks and nose. Damn, I thought. I won the lottery with her.
Finally, after so long, our lips met. Her warm, soft lips made me feel safe, at home. She wrapped her arms around my waist, not wanting to let go of me.

"I want to take you somewhere, Joji. I mean, if you don't mind and all."  She blushed and looked away, almost as if she was hiding something from me.

"I mean, I just got out of jail. I might as well go anywhere now." She giggled and nodded, grabbing my hands and lacing it with hers.

"There's my favorite dickhead."

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