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I can't believe this book has over 100k views😭 literally remember starting it thinking the most I would get is 500 if I'm lucky so thank you to every single one of you. Also if you're thinking of writing a book go for it. Try to be consistent with updating to increase your views. (Something I was good at before A levels took away my life). But honestly big up you guys, thank you so much and sorry for the long wait and short chapter. Wanted to get something out because you guys kept messaging me.

A few hours before...


I was on my way to see my babies. I swear nothing had made me so happy in my life. Things had been calm lately no drama or anything. All I wanted to do was spend all day every day with my two favourite girls. Argh I even sounded like a saaarft yute. But for real I was feeling nothing but blessed these days and today was my baby girls first day home. I knew she would be strong she has strong parents. She actually could've come out earlier but she kept ripping the tubes from her wrist out which caused complications and eventually they had to put the tubes through her nostrils. She was still small but she had put on a lot of weight since birth which is good because normally babies lose a lot of weight after and that wouldn't be good for her because she was already really light. When I held her in my hands for the first time it felt like she weighed nothing. She was literally the size of my hand.

I pulled up outside dominos to quickly get Asia some food I know how she is. Probably been staring at Kasia the whole time and forgotten to eat. I unbuckled the car belt and opened the door swinging my legs out and getting out. I slightly pulled up my jogging bottoms and locked my car doors. Before I could take a step I felt a sharp familiar plunge in in my abdomen. The person snatched it back out and as my vision blurred I saw him run away. I fell back onto my car for support groaning.

You've got to be fucking kidding me. It was fine I kept thinking. Light work. Nothing I ain't dealt with before. Except now I had a family to think about. I dug into my deep  jeans pocket fishing out my phone with one hand trying to keep as much pressure on my stab wound with the other. I could feel the energy and strength slowly drift out of my body as I slid down the walls of my car. I called Mason. Tell me why the nigga took a billion years to answer. "Yoo."

"Fam I was shanked. I'm gonna go Hospital. Don't tell Nacasia I'm fine." I gritted.

"Wait huh? Cuz are you sure? Where are you? I'm coming now."

"No no no just make sure Nacasia is alright. I'm good." I told him before locking off.

"Sir are you alright?" It was a black woman who started to approach me. She looked about 40ish and wore a concerned look on her face. "Yeah I just need to get to the hospital." I muttered. My eyes were becoming droopy and heavy. I thought my best to keep them open as my body felt lighter and lighter. The last thing I saw was the smile of Nacasia holding my first born Kaisia.


"Police are still on the hunt for whoever committed this cowardly cri-" I switched the Tv off as I finished putting the dishes from the dish washer back in the cupboard.

It had been a week.

I hadn't gone out, the only reason I was eating is for Kaisia and apart from her the only person I had seen was Mason, Nyah and my grandma. Dejah was staying with my grandma. I bit my lip arms resting on the island in the middle of the kitchen. I could feel the tears start to prick my eyes as they started to sting. He was gone. Just like that. I didn't know how to deal with the information I kept trying to make other logical explanations and scenarios where he was alive. I didn't want accept that he really wasn't.

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