Chapter Seven| The Vampire of Vampires

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Chapter Seven

" The Vampire of Vampires"

Vampire knight is owned by Matsuri Hino
Viola owned by me

Vampire Knight chapter 7

Yuki had later found out about Viola's attack, and had

rushed to the nurses. Viola was fine after an hours rest and

went back to her dorm an hour later. Since Viola didn't have a

dorm partner, Viola didn't have to sneak in and be quiet. It

was quite a relief actually.


-Years before-

"Does it hurt? Are you suffering?" she shifted over to a

smaller Zero who lay bloody on the ground. Zero shakly

raised his hand in front of his face.

"Your parents hunted down too many of my sweet brethren.

This is their retribution. The Kiryu clan was well known as

vampire knight..but they were no match for me a Pureblood



Four year ago, on a cold winter night the headmaster took in


-Four years ago-

Viola and Yuki sat with each other on the floor and watched the

television when the front door open.

"Yuki. Viola . This boy's parents were killed by a bad vampire.

He was the only one who survived. We'll be taking care of

him, all right? As you can see he's covered in blood, so

have him take a bath . I have to go to the police and other

places.." the headmaster waved goodbye to the sister then

left. Viola look warly at Zero, and hid behind Yuki only

peeking out from around Yuki.

"Um...the we'll take you to the bathroom" Yuki pointed to

hallway. Zero didn't respond.

"May I touch you?" Yuki asked concerned at Zero.

"Let's go." Yuki guided Zero to the bathroom with Viola in


"The bathtub is already full, so please use it." Yuki

told him.

'Only because it was bath night.' Viola thought to herself.

Zero just stood looking at the clear water.

"Do you want help with your clothes?" Yuki asked Zero. Viola

sat on the ground and watched as Yuki despretly tried to

comunitcate with him.

'So much it somebody else's blood? Or is he hurt?'

Viola thought. Yuki picked up a towel and soaked it in the

water. She gently started wiping away the blood, scared of

what might lie undernegth all the blood. Once it was all

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