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July 3rd

Guren Ichinose left the meeting room slowly, yawning and stretching as he went.

Thank goodness I left early

That excuse that Shinya made up for me was perfect

Guren continued to walk down the vast hallways of the Imperial Demon Army's headquarters. 

I wonder what's for dinner

He finally made it out of the enormous headquarters, taking a few seconds to find his bearings as the bright direct sunlight pierced his eyes. 

Loud footsteps sounded behind him but he made no effort to move. As he felt the person nearing him, he suddenly whisked out his Cursed Gear, preparing to face the enemy.

A white streak flashed in his peripheral vision, causing him to lose focus and stumble back.

Cheery laughter filled the air as a shockingly white-headed man beamed down at him,  laughed at his expense.

'Don't laugh Shinya.' Guren pulled himself up.

'That's the 3rd time you've fallen down today Guren, how could I not?' Shinya grinned, 'Maybe you're losing your touch. It comes with old age as they say.' He added.

Guren didn't reply, choosing to save his energy for a later mission.

'So where are we headed?' Shinya pondered after some time of walking along with Guren.

'Where I am headed, not you.' Guren corrected as he stopped at the Museum of Fallen Dead.

The Museum of Fallen Dead was a structure constructed to commemorate the dead by the Ichinose family, much to the distaste of the head of the Hiiragi family.

'Alright, you can go now.' Guren pointedly announced.

'Guren, don't be so cold. Besides, I've never visited this place before!' Shinya frowned at his friends.

Guren glared at his friend, 'Don't play around Shinya. If your father found out about you visiting the Ichinose properties he would murder me.'


Shinya yanked at Guren's arm several times before he agreed to allow him to look momentarily.

The two traspised into the cold building, with Shinya making endless comments about the pictures of former fallen comrades on the wall, exclaiming out loud to Guren's dismay.

They came to stop at a large memorial and Shinya immediately recognized the defined portrait of a smiling girl who was unnervingly lifelike in the image. 

Shinya surveyed the memorial, taking in its elaborate designs and messages. His friend was fondly gazing at the painting, sadness portrayed in his eyes.

'I'm guessing this one is dedicated fully to Mahiru.' 

'Of course, she was was a hero after all.' Guren turned to look at his friend, 'And a lover as well.' He whispered that last bit to himself, Shinya barely catching the murmured words.

Shinya sighed then smiled again.

'You will be constructing one for me aren't you?' Shinya playfully nudged Guren.

'Ha? Why would I waste time and effort into doing that?' Guren had turned back to the portrait, savoring the sight of his former lover.

Shinya tilted his head downwards then looked away.

'Shinya?' Guren looked at his friend once more.

'Nothing. We should be getting back soon, they'll start dinner without us.' Shinya brightly announced.

'I guess so. But I need to do something first.' Guren nodded towards the exit, 'You go on first.'


'No buts.' Guren was distracted, barely even acknowledging his friend's words.

Shinya started towards the door without words or complaints and was about to leave when he turned back to remind his friend that dinner was in the main hall but when he looked back he decided to not interfere.

Because his Guren.

The one who was so strong.

Was crying.

In front of his former fiance's image.


It was the anniversary of her death.

It was always her wasn't it?

Shinya closed his eyes as soon as he shut the door and slid down the large imposing oak doors.

It's okay.

He told himself.

I'll be happy.

I'll be happy.

I'll be happy for him.

I'll be happy for everyone.

I'll  be smiling for everyone.

Shinya laughed quietly to himself.

After all.

I'm just a tool.

A stepping stone.

So I'll be happy.

For them.


 If you have time, comment and vote- I like getting feedback :)

Author's Note:

The Museum of the Fallen Dead is a made up place by me.

Please don't get confused by it.

Sorry if the grammar or spelling is incorrect (please comment below and tell me if I did something wrong)

k bye :)

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