Wilford X reader

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Play the music as you read. I discovered the song, listened endlessly to it, and it inspired me to write something adorable. We all know Wilford isn't the romantic type, but I like to imagine he sometimes can be. This oneshot is just something I want to write down to have a full, clear scene. Enjoy this little piece of nothingness!!! <3


I put on some relaxing music before I go through my mail and notice a pink letter. I smile, immediately knowing who it's from. I quickly open it and start to read a long letter with a familiar, fancy handwriting.

To my dearest,

I miss you. I really do. We both knew that this would last longer than expected. It feels like it's taking me years to come home, when it's really just six months. I know, I know, I said three, but you know how my work is. I managed to get some free time to write this letter to you. You're always on my mind. My worried mind.

I want to tell you that everything here is going great. Everyone is very nice to me, but that's probably because I'm their boss, and I'm just such a wonderful person. I hope you're doing just as great as I do. Well, maybe a bit better than me. I always think about you, especially before I go to sleep. I miss you, your loving, your smile, your everything.

On the other side, I hope you miss me as much as I miss you. Whenever I miss you, I like to think of our romantic nights together, or our silly moments. Whenever I'm feeling down, I think about the funny moments. Just sitting together on the couch, trying to throw popcorn in each other's mouth while drinking two bottles of whiskey. And then the next morning when we wake up, either on the couch or half on the floor, there is popcorn everywhere, and we both have an empty bottle in our hand. Oh, how I miss you.

When I get back home, I tell you, I will take a few days off so we can spend those days together, and make it our time. We'll have the whole day, the whole house to ourselves. The bedroom included...

But anyway, I have to stop writing now. It's getting quite late, and tomorrow is another busy day. I'll take an nice, hot shower first. Of course it isn't as nice without you with me in there, but it'll do for now. I miss you, and see you soon!


W. Wilford Warfstache

I smile slightly to myself, folding the letter again. He'll be gone for another three months. I sit down at the kitchen table with a sigh. He likes to sugarcoat some things for me. Not for other people. He just says nice things, but making this long letter short, he'll be gone for another three months, and he misses me. And he wants to shower with me. I yawn tiredly, and look besides me.

"don't worry, daddy will be home in three months" I pet my little baby next to me. My little baby kitten, Simba. I had to have him when I saw him. "Don't worry, we have each other" I smile down at him as he jumps on my lap, laying down and purring.

I take a look at the pink letter again, and sigh as I listen to the rest of the song.

"I miss you too"

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