Chapter 1

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It was rather quiet on the ship, with a tense atmosphere between the paladins, especially with the one all dressed in blue. The team were currently planning out a mission to infiltrate and gather information on Zarkon and his fleet. After what happened on their previous mission on Naxella, they made sure not to miss a single thing out. 

"Alright team this is what we're going to do. Pidge, you, Hunk and Matt will sneak aboard using the green lions camouflage and disable their defenses. Once you've done that, me and Allura will go and distract Haggar. Lance, you and Lotor will go and meet Keith and find out what information he has gathered and Hunk will take out their canons before they come back online. Defenses will only be offline for 1 hour so be quick." Lance audibly groaned once the black paladin mentioned who he would be stuck with. 

"Why do I have to be stuck with Lotor? Or a better question, why is he even on this ship? He's our enemy isn't he?"

"We're bringing him because he knows the ship well and knows how to get past their security" 

"But what if he betrays us. He has tried to kill us bef-

"And he also saved us."

"We only needed saving that time because we didn't leave when I said we should. He probably only saved us to gain our -




Lance just stood there in shock, no knowing what to say. Yes he had been shouted at before plenty of times back at the garrison, but that was just Iverson who shouted at everybody. This was his team, his friends shouting at him. 

"Man you really need to learn to be quiet." Hunk spoke in a small voice as he was also taken back by the shouting. While the yellow paladin did feel bad for his friend, he too thought that Lance needed to tone down on the talking. 

"You will do this without anymore complaining understand." Shiro spoke in a stern voice whilst towering over the boy. Lance just nodded, unable to speak anymore. Since he returned, Lance noticed that Shiro has been acting different and some things just don't add up. For example when he returned he had really long hair and Lance was no expert, but hair does not grow that length in just a month. Unless of course the Galra had some sort of hair growing potion which Lance found highly unlikely.

"So I understand that you don't like or trust me" Said Lotor as he appeared next to the paladin.

"What gave you that idea" Lance glared over at Lotor, who just smirked at him. 

"I know you don't trust me but I have my own reasons to defeat my father and I plan on working with you regardless of our issues we had in the past." Lance just sighed and made his way over to the hanger. 

"Whatever. Lets just get this mission over and done with."


Each of the lions where close enough where they could see the station, but we're far away enough that they wouldn't be noticed. Pidge activated the green lion's camouflage and headed towards the base. A few minutes later the paladins got the signal that all defenses were down  and they could go on through without being attacked. Hopefully.

"Could you be anymore slower paladin." Lance clenched his fist in irritation. The high and mighty prince had been like this all through out the ride, despite being in the fastest lion out of the five.

"Well I'm sorry your royal pain in the ass but if we want to go in and out (don't get any ideas) without being detected we have to be slow." Lance even went at a snails pace just to piss the prince off more. 

"Lance will you stop screwing around and hurry up." Lance increased his speed and caught up to the others, but he couldn't help but feel as if everyone was targeting him today. Lance entered the ship, checking behind him every second to make sure Lotor was still with him. 

"Lance, Keith should be in the control room. Go get him and bring him straight out, got it?"

"Got it. Okay Lotor, just stay close behi - LOTOR!!!" Lance looked behind him to see that Lotor had disappeared. In any other situation, Lance would be glad to be rid of Lotor, but with his current situation, he needed Lotor to guide him around the ship, and Lance felt that he would be in more trouble with his team for losing him. 

"Guys Lotor just ran off somewhere."

" What have you done now Lance." Shiro (cough fake ass clone) mutter over the comms.

"I didn't do anything he just ran off."

"More like scared him off with his constant talking. " Pidge said. That comment hurt, and avoid any more complaints, Lance just stayed quiet. 

"Forget about Lotor for now. Just go and collect Keith and get back to your lion and try not to screw up." Pidge then told Lance where he needed to go. He went down several hallways until he reached the control room, where he saw Keith and two other figures that looked to part of the Blade of Marmora.

"Heya Mullet. Did ya miss me." Lance strolled over to Keith who was uploading information into a space... USB?

"Not really to be honest. It was nice and quiet without your awful jokes." Once again that hurt. But Lance just scoffed and played it off. 

"Whatever mullet. You ready to come back?"

"Yep just let me finish loading this information then we'll be good to go." Lance let the others know that he had found Keith, and the two made their way back the the lions.

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