beacon entrance

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A/n: Hey guys not dead I  was just caught up with school work almost failing but I'm passing right now. I'm going to try to publish a new part each week and at most create a new story. I'm also trying to create my own anime and have to learn Japanese. Also i usually did all my writing on my smartphone, now I have a new PC to type with... So yeah I hope you guys enjoy!!





at beacon, Professor Ozpin's office

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Ozpin: so i see, Mr. (L/N).

(Y/N):hmm what?

Ozpin: as what i've been told by team R.W.B.Y. that you yourself hav-

  (Y/N): R.W.B.Y. that's their name.

 ozpin: oh yes girls please introduce yourselves.

  (Y/N): well I already know she is ruby 

I said point to the cute blushing short haired silverd eyed.... WHAT AM I SAYING!!! I mean THINKING!!!

  (Y/N): and i hers i think is Whis.

i say point to the white haired girl.

whis: thats weiss you Idoit!!! the heiress to the schnee family

  (Y/N): meh never heard of it.

weiss: WHAT why you..

she was push by a blonde girl

????:well i'm Yang Xao Long older sister of ruby and this is Blake.

she says pulling a girl with a bow.

Blake: h-hi.

  (Y/N): hello, well ozpin these are my friends who are also duelist  Ryan, Jose, and Nick the pervy one.

Nick: hey its not perverted its just extreme interest in the opposite gender.

He say's with a smile dirty thoughts.

Ozpin: well Mr. (L/N) after your extraordinary strategies i was hoping you would like to join my school.

"thoughts" well i wouldn't really count it as a good strategy as meta and anti-meta and rogue.

(Y/N) what's it about and the catch 

(a/n) well you guys know training to be hunters and huntresses to rid the world of grimm.

(Y/N) well if i get to just duel its fine 

Ozpin: good and your team will be your friend after friendship is the second strongest bond.

  (Y/N): wait whats the fi-

Ozpin: never mind Mr.(L/N) and friends your team name is  Robust led by (Y/N) (L/N)

Robust: wait what!!!

after the ceremony I walk up to Ruby for some advice.

  (Y/N): hey ruby

Ruby: oh h-hey (Y-Y/N) w-what d-do you w-want

 (Y/N) oh well see i'm kind of knew at this team leader thing and so i wanted to advice from a smart leader so i came to you.

ruby's P.O.V.

omygodhejustcalledmesmartwaitibetter tell him what i know about being a good team leader

ruby well youneedtobeproper.takecareofyourteam..

(Y/N) had gotten lost to distracted by her looks.

ruby: did you get all that?

(Y/N): oh yeah 

ruby: really

(Y/N): really i did y'know i finds kinda cute when people talk fast.

 Ruby's 'thoughts' As he left i could help but skip happily back to my dorm cute and smart those are the same things I see in him.

A/N im glad to back oh well to continued to the duel of life hmm maybe that should be the title now..... nah night guys and gals.

(ryan,nick,jose):finally your back we thought you were dead 

A/N: i duel you guys everyday and win

(ryan,nick,jose): yes an thats why your dead to us

A/N: whatever

Odd Eyes (Ruby Rose x male reader yugioh/rwby)Where stories live. Discover now