Oh no, dark meguffin, anyway

21 0 1

A/n: Small chapter but going to start to write on this story once more, but there is..... one teeny weeni little problem..... but don't worry about it... it's for me to worry about really.

3rd POV

Today was a day like no other, Y/n and his team, help team rwby on a mission today for some recon.... well, team rwby were actually doing the majority of the fighting, the rest then just spent the day on top of a building.

Needless to say, it was possibly the most boring time ever.

Y/n: Gaaaaaah, I'm bored.....

Ryan: You've said that for the last 10 minutes.

Jose: yo man it feels like it forever

Nick: yall realize it's going to be another 4 hours at the maximum we'll be out here.

Y/n: And what? we can't play card games.

Before you ask, none of them have Motorcycles..... yet

Ryan: Nope, sheesh, you'd think ad our lead you'd know this

Y/n: touche, but for the record, I don't like all the weight of responsibility and-

An explosion was heard by the team. They all turned and saw that team rwby were chasing a guy who looked like he was from older times. He had no color just being black and white, even his clothes reflected

Nick: That's the bad guy, I pressume?

They see all see the Monochrome man and team rwby get into a firing fight

Y/n: Hmm ok let's cut the Monochrome mam off at the....

Y/n looks at the paper map in hand....

Ryan: Goddammit, hurry up!

Y/n: Gah! I'm going, I'm going.... ok, let's move to the smelting factory.

They all go, and they are able to corner the monochrome in the smelting factory. From here, the teams give the villain a choice to duel, or they'll use force

Ruby: ok, give up, dalmatian man. You can duel us, or we'll do this the hard way.

Nick: Wait, why are we giving him a choice to duel or not? Why not just know, take him

Everyone else:.... uh, oh, right

The Monochrome man: stays silent before throwing razor-sharp knives at the teens. Both teams manage to get out of the way. One of the knives hits a lever and activates the conveyor belts in the factory.

Weiss: Ok enough, messing around, we need to stop him-

The mono chrome man launches another much larger knife at the ceiling. It cuts a chain holding a large metal chunk. It falls down, and the impact makes Y/n and Weiss fall on to a conveyor belt. Weiss is further ahead closer to the end of the conveyor belt, which leads to a large hot molten bucket.

Back on the higher platform, Yang gets up and immediately takes her fighting position.

Yang: ok, time to take him down quick

Yang launches right at the Monochrome man.

Ruby: Wait, Yang!!!

Before Yang could reach the Monochrome Man, he throws another knife at lever and thus makes a heap of metal cross in between him and Yang. Yang is able to slow down enough, but when she checks behind, the man is gone...

Back with Y/n and Weiss, Y/n is able to get up after the fall.

Y/n: Ah could have occurred....

He notices he's on a moving conveyor belt and that Weiss is there too, laying unconscious, moving closer to the end.... where molten material is....

Y/n: Oh no, Weiss....

He quickly makes his way over and grabs her.

Y/n: Weiss wake up please

Weiss: ngh....

Then the end of conveyor eventually arrives and Y/n grabs a hold of Weiss and grabs on to a metal chain that dangles over head on the molten bucket. He is successful holding knock Weiss in one arm and the chain in another, but stuck there. He also sees that the deck holder on his belt is also on its side and opened.

Ok the upper platform, Yang regroups with the

Ruby: Yang, are you ok?

Yang: Yeah, but I think he got away, sorry....

Blake: it's fine Yang and besides your not hurt.

Ryan: Uh guys, I think Y/n and Weiss need our help.

They all go to edge and see Y/n and weiss dangling over the molten bucket with Y/n holding Weiss and the chain keeping them up.

Ruby: Ah Y/n are you and Weiss, ok?

Y/n: Am I... do I look like I'm ok..... just help me down please....

After some time of how to get Y/n and weiss down the finally do and they all go back to the academy, Weiss is in the infirmary and accompanied by the rest of team rwby. With Y/n how over well he doesn't seemed focused.

Ryan: Yo Y/n, you ok dude?

Y/n: Hmm? Oh yeah, no, I'm fine.

Jose: You sure? You're usually a little bit more excited to duel.

Ryan: Hmm, yeah, let's duel, man.

Y/n: Eh, maybe later guys. I think I'm going to take a walk....

Y/n leaves the room leaving his team there....

Ryan: ok something is wrong?

Jose: Yeah usually he'd be up beat Nick

Nick: Hey! Don't drag me into this...





Y/n goes ahead outside and just walks through the courtyard, pass the gates and then stopping are the forest by a bench. He sits down on the bench, and then takes his deck out from the his deck box on his belt. Counting the cards, and stopping the count at 15, the majority of the other cards were burned in the molten bucket..... the Dark Magician deck was basically destroyed... Y/n just breaks a little bit.

A/n: I forgot the original deck list for the MC.... lemme reiterate I may have deleted the file on the deck list so..... it's why I had the Dark Magician deck.... the majority of it destroyed in the story. I already picked out a new archetype though but..... I'll reveal it in 2 chapters.

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