Project x

569 6 1

Location: remnant

Opzin P.O.V.

Ozpin: Glynnda youve studied roman and white fang for the last few days right?

Glynnda: yes sir

Ozpin: then you know the only to stop the infinite power surge?

Glynnda: yes, only can be activated by game of shadows.

Ozpin: get me miss rose and her team.

Glynnda: yes sir!

Location:((y/n)'s world) middle plaza
Y/n's P.O.V.

I was sitting down at a bench waiting for ryan and the others to arrive.
Ryan: hey man sorry were late.

You: not a problem at least its not as bad the worm hole were under

I then looked down and we were all on top of larger worm and before we knew we fell in.

Back to remnant
Ruby's P.O.V.
Me and my team were sent by Ozpin to stop roman in a special way.
Blake: so let me get this straight Ozpin wants us to beat roman in a card game in order to stop a infinite dark power
Ruby: yep
Yang: well luckily boys stink at Yu-Gi-Oh
Weiss: why?
Ruby: because the dragon rose queen can crush them!!!

Time skip after the duel...

Ruby:i lost

WBY: oh no
Weiss: why did we let the child play and not me
Roman:finally infinite power is mine.
Just as roman was about to gain infinte power some portal opened it sent out four guys and the dark power hit a shield like object one of  their arms.

Y/n's P.O.V.

Well I thought I was dead till the worm hole sent me and my friends out and some dark cloud hit my duel disk. We hit the ground and it hurt.
As soon as I got up I saw guy with a top hat surrounded by what I think are henchmen and four girls all with different colors. one had yellow clothes with blonde hair another had white clothes with white hair and the another had black hair with black clothes. But on of the girls stood out more she had blackish reddish hair red clothes. But her face was young she looked around 15 and she had silver eyes I had red eye and a blue eye but her eyes were just beautiful. Wait a minute... WHAT AM I SAYING ABOUT I CAN'T JUST FALL FOR GIRL WHO I BARLEY KNOW ALL I KNOW IS THAT SHE'S CUTE AND A DUELIST.
wait a duelist that mean we could.. maybe.. Wait I need to know where I am first.
?????: hey you odd eyes give me the dark yami and I won't kill you that badly well that gave an explanation I hid as the four girls fought them at a really fast speed.
You: come on (y/n) think of something they have guns what can I do then it hit me I could reprogram my duel to release the yami only if someone beat me in a duel!!
I finish reprogramming the. Duel disk and challenge the bad guy to a duel and told what I did
?????: fine if that is what it takes.
We both took our duel positions and shuffled each others decks.
Roman & Y/N : DUEL!!!

A/N hey guys sorry it took so long I have school and sports I will try to publish as soon as I can

Odd Eyes (Ruby Rose x male reader yugioh/rwby)Where stories live. Discover now