Chapter 6

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A/N: (I feel so terrible guys... I feel so bad. Thank you for 1k views on this story and I hope you had a happy Halloween! Let's continue... and i might do something special for the 1k! :) )

"Sans what in Asgore's name is a human doing in my restaurant!"

Whisper yelling is all Grillby could muster at the moment; a moment that Grillby wouldn't dare to relive even if his life depended on it. They were behind the counter, standing in the employees only quarters as the human, in all her glory, sat in front of them. She stared at them with curious eyes, in her hands an order of fries Sans happened to retrieve from the kitchen when Grillby was flustered about the whole ketchup "incident". Sans wearily smiles at her, hoping to distract her from their whispering and the fact that Grillby was inching ever so cautiously toward the kitchen's double doors.

"Oh I forgot!", Grillby exclaimed a bit too eagerly. "If you'll excuse me... I have to deliver this bottle to a gentlemen who asked for it...", and Grillby displayed the condiment along with his version of a forced smile, more facing towards the young girl so he could ever so slightly drop the hint that he wanted to leave and to leave he will.

"Eh, it's alright Grillby. Here, let me take care of it," and Sans grabs it, walking around the counter to pass it to the kid. 

Grillby is left flabergasted, sure, as the event of him agreeing to enable anything that could be deemed a threat to his patrons was completely against his nature. Whether it be a selfish way to protect himself or him being immobile because Sans actually trusted this human, he may never know. It wasn't long until he was made to inform Sans of who needed it, and, taking the child by the shoulders, Sans instructs her away with a compassion that stirs the bartender. With the child gone, that left the flamesman and Sans, with the bartable between them.

"Let's chat for a bit Grillby."


The center of Grillby's flame is a white color, pale like the one time he practically was dying with a fever. Like anyone else, and please, excuse the pun (cough Sans cough), he was a burning mess. Yet, that same feeling was occurring... right now. This wasn't out of anger, for his flame would be red. Embarrassment would give his fire a blue hue.

So there was only one solution.

The human made him sick. No...

"They poisoned me! Through the air!"

"Relax Grillby! Ok, I know how you feel about humans, but please, give the kid a chance."

I only glared at him. He knows exactly what happened to me. I didn't want to speak to him.

"Grillby, look, I'm sorry. But doesn't it seem like the time to be open and move on?"

. . .

"Oh and I was kinda hoping you could watch her while I use the little skele's room. "

As I was about to retort, a hand tangled with mine. The hand with a hollow middle squeezed, the owner reassuring me that all was going to be alright. Blushing, I gave in, along with a reluctant sigh.


The things I do for people...

"Thanks Grillbz. It means a lot. Get to know her! Ask about her story! I hope you guys can be good pals."

And with that, the Sloth left. And so did the hand that was entangled with mine. I let out the tiniest of whimpers, but had a sense that Gaster didn't leave me completely. With a quick glance to my left, I reassured that Gaster was still there. That feeling was a nice one that didn't last for long.

The Human swiftly returned to sitting down on a stool as I looked at her closely, observing her from a distance. Really, I was looking for any presence of her having weapons. Embarrassing to admit, nothing was suspicious about her. She looked kind enough (despite a worn out bandage on her face), wearing a prominent blue and purple sweater. I, feeling like an idiot, decided to strike up some conversation. Besides, no one else seemed the slightest bit concerned about the human amongst them.

Grillby first greets the human, taking initiative and walks up to the counter. He then apologizes for any previous interrogations. But the human seems... distracted.

"Frisk, was it? How are you?"

Grillby looks to her face only to be met with nothing looking back at him. Her pupils refused to meet his "eyes", trying to look around him entirely. Grillby has had enough and starts tracing her line of sight.

She wasn't looking at me. She stared, more to my left.

Oh no.

He was sitting on the stool I like to keep on my side of the counter in case I wanted to sit down for a while. He, unknowingly, was being eyed by the human.

It seems that Gaster had a limit to how visible he can display himself to be. He looked, adorably I might add, at my restaurant's logo on the menu in front of him.

It also happens to be of my face.

I can't be thinking like this right now... I have to help him! Oh my Asgore am I blushing?!?!

I was trying to understand the graveness of the situation. Sure, I could see him yet Gaster was barely visible to the monsters though. I had to strain my eyes to be able to see his outline, but faint purple sparks did twinkle... around his hands, even on the one that was a few inches within mine.


I tore my eyes away from Gaster. The Human finally decided to speak.

"Who's that... the Man sitting beside you?"

"Frisk, you have no right to ask such a question!"

"Grillby, I know him! Hello Mr. Gaster, how are you?"

"You stop this right now!"


The bar stares at us in silence.

Sans was still in the bathroom.

Gaster looks at us, terrified.

My heart was broken.

And all I could do was run.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2019 ⏰

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