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Yoongi covered his nose with a big woolly scarf to shield it from the cold air. He was currently making his way to the library, at 9am, which was a very unusual thing to do for Yoongi. He didn't even have any classes today, but since his break up with Jimin he had basically bailed on his education, skipping as many classes as he could, staying in bed all day and not doing what an 'adult' was supposed to do.

But since Hoseok threw him that pity party, inviting only Seokjin and Namjoon, he started feeling a little better. Hoseok even baked him little cupcakes that did not taste terrible. Namjoon gave him this big speech about how he shouldn't throw away his life over some silly college romance,  and even though Yoongi didn't see his relationship with Jimin as 'some silly college romance', he let it slide, not having the energy to fight back.

And then there was Seokjin chiming in with a "just stop being lazy and do something useful for once", so Yoongi decided that he should probably try at least. So here he was, walking towards the library to catch up on whatever classes he missed.

However, as Yoongi was walking, he felt someone following him. At first he thought he was going crazy, who would even want to follow him?

But when he looked at the ground, he saw it. Next to his own shadow, there was another one, tailing him closely. 

"Can you please stop following me?" He quickly turned around, startling the figure behind him so much that he let out a screech. Of course, it was Taehyung.

"Shut up you idiot, people are looking at us," Yoongi hit Taehyung on the chest and started walking again, not wanting to be associated with him.

"Wait! I'm coming with you!" Taehyung yelled, making Yoongi shush him again because he was being too loud for his liking.

"No, you're not. I don't know you. Don't follow me," Yoongi growled, walking faster than he has ever done in his life.

"Wait! I wanna talk!" the younger insisted.

Eventually Yoongi was sat on a table in the corner of the library, hiding himself from everyone, as Taehyung sat in front of him, much to Yoongi's dismay.

"So..." Taehyung started, but only to be quickly cut off by Yoongi.

"Listen kid, if you're here to talk about Jimin, I'm not interested," He said, not taking his eyes away from the book that was laying before him.


"In fact, if you're here to talk about something else, I'm not interested either," yoongi cut him off again. 

"But-" Taehyung persisted.

"How do I make myself clear? I do not want to talk to you, ever. Understood?" Yoongi finally took his eyes away from the book to look the boy in front of him dead in the eye.

"I understand... But to be honest, I don't really care if you want to talk or not," Taehyung shrugged as he comfortably leaned back on his chair.

"Don't test me," Yoongi growled, "just because we ate Cheetos together that one time, doesn't mean that we are friends now."

"What do you mean? I thought that was the ultimate way to make friends. I mean, you don't just share your Cheetos with a stranger," Taehyung winked.

"I would. Cheetos taste like shit," Yoongi answered.

"We went over this already, they taste like good shit," Taehyung said, shaking his head. Yoongi just mumbled a 'whatever' and went back to the book that was still waiting for him.

"Anyways, I did want to talk about Jimin... And Jungkook," Taehyung said hesitantly.

"I told you that I'm not interested," Yoongi mumbled.

"Look, we used to spend a lot of time around each other so I know you better than you think I do. I can see that you still care about Jimin-" 

"I don't. You don't know me at all," Yoongi growled, offended by his words.

"I know that you don't like me, you never liked me. From the first moment you saw me, you hated me," Taehyung said dryly. This made Yoongi look up at Taehyung.

"It's okay, I don't really care. A lot of people find me annoying," Taehyung shrugged. Yoongi couldn't help but feel guilty. He never realized that Taehyung knew about his hatred for him.

"Sorry to hear that," Yoongi mumbled, suddenly not feeling like studying anymore.

"We're kind of alike, really. No one likes us," Taehyung grinned, poking Yoongi's arm and giving him a wink. Yoongi just rolled his eyes.

"But for different reasons though, you are annoying as hell. I'm not," Yoongi scoffed.

"Maybe not... but you have a terrible attitude. Oh, and you are super rude by the way," Taehyung grinned. Yoongi didn't even feel offended at that comment, because he knew it was true. He didn't care either, so he just hummed in agreement.

"Anyways," Taehyung said casually as he grabbed Yoongi's book, closing it in the process. "Let's talk about Jimin now."

"Please, I'm really not in the mood to talk about him," Yoongi groaned in frustration.

"You have to talk to him, this is really hurting him and it's hurting you too," Taehyung leaned forward, looking the older in the eyes.

"Do I need to remind you that he broke up with me? And let's be honest, he doesn't look that upset about the breakup since he has your ex-boyfriend to comfort him," he raised his eyebrows at Taehyung.

"About that..." Taehyung mumbled, clearly hurt at the words 'ex-boyfriend'. 

"I don't think it's good that he and Jungkook are so close," he ran a hand through his hair, looking slightly embarrassed.

"Why? Because you're jealous?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

"No... I mean, obviously I am jealous, but that's not the reason," Taehyung cleared his throat, "Jungkook is... I think he's trying to manipulate Jimin." Yoongi just gave him a confused look, what did he mean with manipulate?

  "Look, Jungkook loves it when people love him. He loves getting praised and he loves it when people give him attention. I don't know if you ever pay attention to our dance classes, but Jungkook always tries his best to shine so Hoseok will compliment him, and whenever he does he looks like the happiest kid on earth," Yoongi must admit he never really looked at anyone in that dance class except for Jimin. Of course, he stopped going since their breakup, unaware of the fact that Jimin stopped going as well. 

  "Okay, but I don't see how-" Yoongi started.  

"Wait, I'm not done yet," Taehyung waved him away, "You see, Jungkook got tired of the fact that I didn't pay enough attention to him so he broke up with me. Jimin on the other hand, he's way too nice and cares too much. When me and Jungkook were still together, he once told me he knew Jimin liked him when they first met. And I guess after you and Jimin got together, he was upset that Jimin only saw him as a friend. He used to fawn over Jungkook before you two got together, and I think Jungkook just misses that attention. He's is just using him, and when he's done, he'll just dump him and break his heart, just like he did with me," Taehyung was suddenly pouring everything out, trying to hold back tears.

"I think you're just being crazy," Yoongi took his book back from Taehyung and leaned back.

"I'm not, trust me. I just don't want Jimin getting hurt, and I'm guessing you wouldn't want that either. I think if you'd just talk to him... Just promise me you'll think about it, okay?" Taehyung stood up, looking hopeful at Yoongi. The older just sighed and nodded in agreement. This was enough for Taehyung, so he just smiled and thanked him, before finally leaving.

Yoongi laid his head down on the table and groaned in frustration. 


A/N: jungkook has a praise kink apparently 

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