Go | Vitya & (Y/n)

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   "(Y/n)! Could you let me in? I wanna talk to you." Victor calls out, knocking on the door. He could hear her crying from the other side of the door making his heart break. Slowly opening the door without letting her answer, his blue eyes spot her on her bed, legs up against her chest with her head in between them. He trudges over to her, not knowing what to do whenever someone cries. He gets on the bed and scoots next to her, wrapping his arm around her figure, pulling her close to his body.

   "Why are you in here...?" (Y/n) croaks, not wanting to see her idol in here at the moment. She didn't want her first impression to be locked away in her room crying. His eyes soften at her fragile figure and raises his hand to the top of her head, stroking her hair, hoping to calm her down. Her crying starts to soften at his touch.

   "I wanna help you... Can you tell me what's wrong? I won't tell anyone else," He says as he continues to stroke her soft (h/c) hair letting the strands entangle in his fingers. She leans against his chest, feeling the warmth of his body made her smile slightly. She felt safe in his grasp, even though she knew that she doesn't deserve him.

   "I... I can see this shadow..." She tells him, making him confused.

   "What do you mean, you can see a shadow?" He asks with curiosity laced in his voice.

   "I've been seeing this shadow ever since I was little and it has always told me things, negative things. And I don't know what to do. Nobody would believe me, and they would make fun of me," She says as tears form in her eyes once again as she continues, "It would always verbally hurt me and make me feel like I'm worthless. I.. I don't know what... to do."

   Victor pulls her close, as he looks around the room making sure no one is listening. He lifts her head up only to see her stunning (e/c) orbs, and her red cheeks from the crying. He wipes her tears away and looks into her eyes as she gazes into his icy blue ones.

   "Listen, you're not worthless and don't let that shadow get you down. You are the Angel of Japan. You are (Y/n) Katsuki. And no one will say those negative things, not with me around. I need you to be happy. I need you to try and be happy, because I'm here for you also." He exclaims, in a firm voice making her eyes widen in shock from his last sentence.

  'He's... here for me...?'

   "Sure, I'm Yuri's coach but that doesn't mean I'm only here for him. I'm here because of you also. I found out that you're Katsuki's sister, the well-known Angel of Japan. That's just your title, not who you are. (Y/n) is who you are and you'll stay that way." He tells her, holding onto her hand with his eyes fixured onto her (e/c) eyes unable to look away.

   "Vitya..." She says, looking into his eyes with happiness as tears form in her eyes. She lunges forward and envelopes him into a hug, wrapping her arms around his neck, burying her head in the crook of his neck. She could feel his arms wrap around her  torso loosely in a comforting way as she sobs on his shoulder not believing that he cares about her. Gripping his green robe tightly in her hands, she has never been loved by anyone else besides her family and she could feel as if a new world has opened up for her.

   "Vitya... I wish you didn't see me like this. I'm a damn mess, and... and..." She starts to say, as she gets cut off my her sobs and he could feel his heart break from meeting one of his fans that didn't have high hopes and feels as if she isn't worth being talked to and being alive. He holds her tightly in his arms, looking over at the door only to see Yuri peeking at them.

   'We're almost done,' Victor mouths to him and sees Yuri nods, walking back into the room where Minako is.

   "(Y/n)...? Are you okay, now that you've told me about this?" He asks, rubbing her back in a comforting way listening to her sobs die down. She sniffles and pulls away, looking into his blue eyes with glossy eyes along with her cheeks being red from the amount of tears she cried. He smiles seeing her feel better, and wipes the tears away from her cheeks.

   "I'm feeling a whole lot better, thanks to you..." She tells him, laughing softly at the situation. It felt as if the weight has been lifted off her shoulders and her heart has been repaired a bit from the scars that were left there. He couldn't help but just stare at her figure, which he finds beautiful even if she's insecure about it. She looks over at the time and gets out of bed in a hurry only to fall onto the floor. He chuckles a bit, getting out of her bed and holds his hand out. She gladly, grabs a hold of his hand and lets him help her get up.

   "It's getting late, and we should go to bed," She tells him, letting go of his hand and heading over to her dresser to put on her (f/c) nightgown. He wanted to reach back out and hold her hand, but resists and let it go. Looking away from her, he trudges away from her feeling as if he's connected to her. He walks off and goes into the guest room where he will be sleeping as his mind wanders off to her, knowing that he has seen her somewhere else. Before taking the picture with her last year, he wants to know where he has seen her. Pondering on the thought he, slips in bed looking up at the ceiling.


   "(Y/n)... Are you okay?" Yuri asks, knocking on her door before coming walking in and he could hear her shuffling her feet on the ground. Smiling slightly, he hears a muffled 'yes' and trudges into the room only to see her under the covers, hiding from him. He pulls the covers off of her and sees her curled up in a ball dazing out in space.

   "So having the talk with Victor helped?" He asks, poking her cheek in a playful way waiting for her to smile. After a couple of seconds of poking her cheek, she starts to smile and sit up, pouting at him with a playful look in her (e/c) eyes. He couldn't help but smile seeing her back in her playful and happy mood.

  "It's time to go to bed! Let's sleep!" She tells him, shooing him off her bed and into his own. He stumbles backwards onto the bed and sighs, knowing how late it is.

   When Yuri fell asleep, (Y/n) couldn't fall asleep due to the shadow.

{Word Count - 1199}

[See you in the next chapter]

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