Chapter One

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Warning; the word count is 2,217. This is also probably one of the shorter chapters. If you don't like long chapters, sorry!

- SCBookworm

Forestkit listened to the world around her, not willing to allow her siblings to know she's awake. She could hear Bluesky calling out patrols from the Highrock. She could hear Springpaw's excited meows from across the camp.

"Twistpelt! What are we doing today? Are we going hunting? Are we battle training?" She mewed, not letting her mentor get a word in. "Border patrol? Moonpaw, I bet I could get to the WindClan border before you could!"

"You're on fleapelt!"

The sound of paws racing out the tunnel sounded, with an annoyed hiss from Twistpelt.

"Psst! Forestkit. Wake up!"

A little paw nudged her in the side repeatedly.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

Forestkit opened her eyes to see her sister, Birchkit standing over her.

"I'm awake, what is it?" Forestkit mewed slightly grumpily.

"Come on!" Birchkit purred. "I want you to see something cool."

She bounced out of the nursery. Forestkit climbed out of the nest she shared with her mother and siblings. Her mother Clearpool and brother Oakkit were still asleep. She could see the shape of Brightsong curled in her nest, not with any kits yet. Willowleaf's nest was empty, however. She and her kits were early risers.


"Coming, just wait a moment," Forestkit hissed.

She padded almost completely silently out of the nursery. A silver and white ball streaked into her, bowling her over.

"Attack!" Birchkit yowled in excitement.

Pouncekit raced out from behind the nursery, a grey streak, his green eyes glowing with pleasure. He lept onto Forestkit, his superior size of five moons to four holding her down quite effectively.

Forestkit looked around for Stormkit, knowing it wasn't like him to miss out on something as fun as this.

"Well, look what we have here," Stormkit stalked over from his hiding place. "What are you doing on our territory, WindClan scum?"

"I come with a message from Bravestar," Forestkit improvised, her mind whirling.

Birchkit lashed her tail appreciatively, knowing it was going to be good.

"Well, then? Don't be a scaredy mouse, what's the message?" Pouncekit asked, prodding her.

Forestkit bared her teeth.

"We will never be beaten!" She yowled.

Forestkit slipped out from under Pouncekit and batted him across the muzzle. She then whirled around to face Birchkit and swept her onto her back, sending her sister rolling. Stormkit jumped on her and she rolled, breaking his hold on her, and then Forestkit ran to the ferns by the apprentice's den and hid behind a clump of thistles.

"Alright Forestkit, you win," called Stormkit after a few minutes of searching in vain for her.

Forestkit padded out and sat in a patch of sun, making sure they weren't going to attack her again.

"You were brilliant!" Birchkit squealed, bouncing over to her sister.

"Yeah, although please don't hit so hard next time," Pouncekit mewed, licking his paw and drawing it over his muzzle.

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