Chapter Five

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Forestkit yawned, and blinked open her eyes. Dim light filtered through the branches above her. For a moment she was confused. Then she remembered the events of yesterday.

Who's that? She doesn't look like a WindClan cat. And she smells like....

"ThunderClan! There's a ThunderClan kit!"

Forestkit sat straight up. What was that? That hadn't been one of her thoughts. The dark tabby kit was standing over her, his fur fluffed up, his pale amber eyes wide. The golden brown kit was standing beside him, his jaws slightly open, his tail bushed up.

She's so... unruffled. Like she's supposed to be here.

It was a different voice thinking this time. Forestkit looked the golden brown tom-kit right in the eye. She was fairly sure that he was the one who had called her ThunderClan.

"I am Forestkit. Pleased to meet you," Forestkit told them. Not stopping to let him reply, she continued. "It's true I was living in ThunderClan, but yesterday I found out I was WindClan. My parents are Lillyblaze and Bravestar."

"That's Forestkit, you mouse brains. You know, Lostkit?" Dawnkit scrambled out of the nest, shaking out her fur.

"Lostkit? Cool." The dark one tilted his head at her and flicked his ears.

Forestkit scrambled out of the nest and nodded to Dawnkit. She heard someone stir, and turned to see Lillyblaze look sleepily at her.

"I'm just going out with the other kits," Forestkit whispered to her.

"Have fun," Lillyblaze murmured, then she curled herself tighter and closed her eyes.

Forestkit followed Dawnkit through the entrance to the outside world. She blinked and saw the warriors sleeping out in the open near the edges of camp. The dawn patrol head obviously just left.

"I'm Falconkit, and he's Runkit," The golden brown tom-kit walked out behind her and stood next to Dawnkit, the dark tabby right behind him. Dawnkit had been right, Falconkit was almost as big as Forestkit.

Mouse brains! Why did they accuse my new friend of being ThunderClan?

"We're friends?" Forestkit blurted out before she could think. Immediately she mentally clawed herself.

Dawnkit gave her a weird look. "Of course we're friends."

"C'mon, maybe Swiftfoot will take us out on the moor top," Falconkit suggested hopefully.

Mouse brain! Swiftfoot told us all that-

"No, Swiftfoot has dawn patrol today," Runkit argued. "Let's go talk to Scarpelt and ask him for stories about battles."

Dawnkit bounced up and down. "And we can introduce Forestkit to Lake!" At Forestkit's confused look, she purred. "One of the oldest cats by the lake for sure. Her name is Lake That Gleams in the Sun."

She's like, the coolest and nicest elder ever!

"She used to be a Tribe cat!" Runkit mewed excitedly. "Then she had a dream and came to live by the lake."

"Then she lived in RiverClan until-" Falconkit began.

"How about I hear it from Lake?" Forestkit suggested. "I bet she can tell it with more detail."

Okay, yeah that makes sense. I like it when Lake tells the story.

They raced across the clearing to the dark hole in the ground. Scents of cats came out. The three WindClan born kits ran right in, but Forestkit hesitated, unwilling to run into a dark hole in the ground.

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