Chapter two

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Warning; This chapter's word count is 2,455 words.

He was a lithe, yet powerful looking tom with fur the color of the moor. When he walked into the sun, his fur revealed golden hints. Behind him walked a small she-cat with grey tabby fur and two toms that both had tan fur and piercing ice-blue eyes. At his side was a brown she-cat with pretty golden eyes. All looked rather small and scrawny, yet she could see their strength.

Nightfur disappeared into the entrance of the cave that served as Rosestar's den. He reappeared a moment later, and went to sit by Tawnyfern.

"Bravestar,"Rosestar appeared on the Highledge, her shape outlined by the sun behind her.

She stalked down the Highledge and walked to him with her head high and her tail waving behind her. Rosestar was quite a bit larger than Bravestar, and she wondered how he was so calm.

"Rosestar," Bravestar dipped his head to her. "I have come on behalf of my mate."

A confused murmuring spread throughout the camp.

"Now what is reason enough for Lillyblaze to come to ThunderClan that Bravestar would come with her?" Tigerfur muttered, lashing her tail agitatedly.

What would his mate want to do with ThunderClan? Forestkit wondered.

Stormsong stiffened, and with his tail drew Forestkit close to his side. Rosestar dipped her head to the brown she-cat by Bravestar's side.

"We would like to speak with you in private," The brown she-cat spoke, her face and voice giving nothing away.

Lillyblaze, thought Forestkit. I hope my name is as good as hers.

Rosestar nodded and gestured with her tail. "Over here," She looked around at the expectant clan. "Return to your duties. Darkfall, Sunleap, and Prickleclaw can stay and, ah, help our visitors feel welcome."

Rosestar led the pair up the Highledge to her den, Bluesky close behind. As soon as they were inside, the clan broke off in groups of two or three, buzzing about the camp and thorn tunnel. The WindClan cats bunched together and murmured to each other, shooting nervous glances around them and up at the tree-covered sky.

"What do you think that was about?" Forestkit turned to look at the elders.

"Nothing good, that's for sure. You know what they say, you can't trust WindClan," Tigerfur meowed. "Starclan knows why they were once Firestar the Great's allies."

Greenfall's whiskers twitched, and she purred. "Now, Tigerfur, they're just a Clan, like us. We both follow the warrior code and respect Starclan."

"Forestkit, come here dear heart," Clearpool hurried over to them, scooping Forrestkit toward her. "Thank you so much for watching her, hope she wasn't trouble."

Clearpool hurried Forrestkit back to the nursery, not stopping to talk to anyone. Which Forrestkit considered to be strange, because Clearpool was popular, and she always seemed to be talking to at least two cats whenever she was outside the nursery.

"What's wrong Clearpool?" Forrestkit asked her.

Her mother looked like she had been caught stealing prey from an elder. They entered the nursery, and found Birchkit and Oakkit asleep.

"Nothing, love,"Clearpool was quick to reassure her. "Thank you much Willowleaf. They weren't trouble?"

"Absolutely none at all," Willowleaf purred. "I think Forrestkit is the leader of all the schemes I don't realize are happening until it's too late." She gazed at Forrestkit fondly. "You're lucky to have her."

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