chapter 1 🚫❤️🎈

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As me and Jack, yeah that's right, Jack Dylan Grazer, arrive to school, as always, everyone can't keep their eyes off of us. We both starred in the hit movie, It, and I am in the trending Netflix series, Stranger Things. But since we're celebrities who need an education still without being mauled by fans, the principal had asked everyone to leave us alone.. thank god, if not I'd probably have a few scratches by now.

"See ya later alligator" I say to jack out of habit. It's cheesy, but what else could I do? I'm not creative, I'm just hopelessly in love.

"In a while crocodile" he calls back as he peppily walks to class. I turn to the hallway where I'm heading to first period, my black converse squeak a little as I walk to it. I'm wearing some black skinny jeans and a yellow tee, it's a mustardy yellow. I don't see the reason why I have to explain this but yeah.

Me and jack have 5th period together but nothing else sadly, except lunch.

I don't mind, at least we have A class together at all. I think 5th period is my favorite part of the day. It's practically what I wake up for. Sounds crazy, haha what I would give to be in Mrs. Garbazzo's English class listening to her belt about the different forms of writing while I stare hopelessly at the beautiful boy next to me.

I glance at the clock in the hallway and read it.. anndd it's only 8:11.

I hustle over to art since that's my first class.

Hastily, I walk over to my seat and my eyes are greeted to the curly scalped boy in the seat next to mine.

"Hey Wyatt." I mutter as I plop down next to him. He nods looking down at his sewing project he's focused on. The day practically went as slow as ever. What am I saying? It's only first period, get a grip, Wolfhard.

After art, I go to Mr. Schnell's Pre Al class, as you'd expect, boring.

Through all except Mister Weinchesterfeilds Industrial Technology (I quite enjoy building my toy car) all I could think about was Mrs. Garbazzo's fifth period math class

But finally, fifth period arrived. I took a sharp inhale and walked into the dimly lit classroom. The school better invest in some better fucking lights or in going to have an aneurysm.

My eyes immediately went onto Jack, who was writing something down in his notebook. It was a pastel purple bow and arrow notebook. So fitting for such a sweet boy.

Whenever I asked what was in there he stuffed it away and told me I couldn't look at it, it's private. So I just let it be as not to upset him. When jack was angry at me he'd always shun, never vent. It really worked because I missed talking to him.

Practically speed walking over to the seat next to him, I greeted him with a dimply grin, he had once admitted that he liked my smiles.

We got on with our day passing notes back and forth, barley paying attention to our teacher up front. It was always the highlight of the class, unless we got caught, of course.. because one time we did and I took the fall. Jack was so thankful.

She doesnt care anymore though, I think she hates her job.

The bell started ringing and we both got up simultaneously getting our belongings and heading to our lockers. Lunch was next. I had brought a banana and a tuna salad sandwich. I could predict what jack had though, he had the same thing the same day of the week, today was Monday, so it had to be PB and J and a mini Hershey's bar.

Everyday after jack puts his stuff away and gets his lunch from his locker he comes over to mine so we can walk together.

He so far has done this for 47 days straight ever since school started and every time for 47 days straight my stomach gets all buttery and my brain starts melting. But I act cool. I grab my lunch box and walk with him in unison.

Also, now that I'm in my headspace, why does everyone assume I like Millie?? She's gorgeous but I don't see it!! Yeah, I clapped for her, once it would be rude not to. I tried to get her attention once and that was to point out the reporter's pale makeup! Millie's practically my sister and I hate when people ship us because it seems to make jack uncomfortable.

We talk about a subject I'm barley paying attention to because I'm getting lost in his eyes. His beautiful brown eyes that he claimed boring once. Can you believe it?Boring? Everything about jack is anything but. He smiles slightly and looks away. I swear these lights have a pink tint because that's the color of his cheeks right now.

As we make our way through the hall our hands brush together and my stomach and back are ice. My eyes widen and I just keep moving but deep down my heart is thumping like a jack rabbit.

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