chapter 10 🐛👒🧚🏽‍♂️

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Holy shit I just kissed Jack Dylan Grazer.

After the magical time, saying nothing we made our way upstairs to my room.
I was putting on my pajamas (boxers and a calpurnia shirt (my band)) and I noticed jack staring at me when my shirt was off. I felt my cheeks start to burn as I put my shirt on.

"Uh.. finn" I hear behind me coming from the small boy. "Hmm?" I ask as I take off my sweat pants already wearing my loose boxers. "I-I forgot my pajamas". He says looking at his feet. "No worries jack" I say with a bright smile on my face. "You can wear some of mine". A grin starts growing as he looks up and thanks me.

I go into my dresser and pick out some baggy plaid pajama pants and a dark blue oversized long sleeved tee for him. He tells me to turn around so I look at the wall as I hear him change.

"Okay, you can turn around now"

I hear as I turn facing him I see the short boy in my baggy pants that look huge on him and the long sleeved shirt going past his hands.

All I could think is jack Dylan grazer is wearing MY pajamas!

"You look cute"

I say.

My hands cover my mouth after blurting it out loud.

Jacks cheeks are bright pink and he replies in a squeaky voice "t-thanks finn. You're cute too".

My face burns.

"It's 8:30 do you wanna watch a scary movie" I ask excitedly. "Yeah finn! That would be so fun!" He says back cheerfully. He's so cute when he's excited..

no wait, he's cute all the time.

We go down the stairs and make our way to the couch. I grab the remote and get onto the Netflix 'horror' category.

Jack picks the movie and decides to watch 'The Babadook'.

About 30 minutes in he's already clinging onto me.

His heads on my shoulder and whenever there's a jump scare he buries his face on my neck. Sometimes to calm him down I kiss his forehead.

His body is so tense right now. I feel him lay down on my lap and I start playing with his hair. I feel something go under my shirt and he starts running his warm hand onto my chest.

By the time the movie ends he's sleeping on my lap snoring quietly. So I pick him up bridle style to my room.

Gently I set him onto my bed and he opens his eyes a smile forming on his lips. "I was awake you know" he says quietly. "You asshole" I chuckle. To be honest I enjoy carrying my little jack.

He weighs like nothing to me anyhow.

He gets into a fetal position on my bed and I shut off the light getting into the bed behind him. I rub his back until I hear more light snoring.

I fall asleep to the sound of his adorable little snores.

I wake up first not moving and he wakes up seconds after. I let out a soft smile and he blushes running his hands through my hair. Staring intently into my eyes.

"Good morning Fred savage" I say with a shit eating grin on my face. "Ugh stopppp" he groans. I laugh knowing I ruined the moment. I don't mind, there will be many more to come.

He gets out of my bed pulling my hand. "Oof" I say fake falling out. He smiles. "So uh, what do you have to eat in this joint" he says in a BAD New York accent.

I-don't mind, he sounds so cute.

"Lemme cook for ya", I say leading him hand in hand downstairs. I feel electricity whenever I touch him.

When we get downstairs he sits down at my kitchen table pulling out his phone.I go to the freezer and get some bacon out and turn on the stove. To be honest I don't even remember making the bacon I just remember watching jack.

The cute faces that he makes while playing flappy bird biting his tongue whenever he loses. (Yeah I know it got removed from the App Store fite me bish)

I set the food down and we began to eat and talk about our friends Jeremy, Sophia, Wyatt, Jaeden, and Chosen. And then our of no where he asks me

"so.. when did you first realize you first liked me"

Like an interviewer.

Flustered, I reply

"uh.. probably when we were at Jaedens house for a sleepover, and you had just gotten your first phone and were figuring out how to use it.

So you asked me how to take a selfie and I remember how cute you looked when you were so confused.

All you wanted was to take a selfie with everyone. And uh I g-guess you just looked so cute to me".

I said nervous looking down at my hands.

Jack, noticing this, grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.


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