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an·o·rex·i·aˌ anəˈreksēə/ noun a lack or loss of appetite for food (as a medical condition).an emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat.
10 days.
10 days since I last ate.
That's longest I've ever gone.
My body aches for something to eat. Part of me wants to give in and just eat something, but the other part tells me I'm still fat.
Maybe I wasn't being careful enough.
Maybe that's why he noticed.
Why he started asking questions.
Would he notice if I did this?
1 hour ago ---
Today was Chinease.
Yoongi ordered Chinease food for dinner and when it arrives my mouth was practically watering at the smell of it.
"Hey Jim, foods here." He starts taking the food out of the classic delivery bag, a yellow smiley face on it and says 'Thank You' on it.
I pull out a chair as my stomache starts to growl, "Nah, I'm actually not that hungry."
"You sure?" He looks at me with a weird expression on his face, " I even got your favourite, Mongolian beef~~" he says with a smile.
At that I almost give in. Almost
"I'm good. I'll just eat it for lunch tommrow."
He grabs a fork and sits down across from me as he starts eating and talking about his day. He said he finished 2 new tracks today.
"Hey, how come I never we you eat?"
His question comes out of no where and I let out a dry forced laugh
"What do you mean? I eat" I say as I force a smile on my face
"I mean, I know I have long hours and between all your dancing..." he starts poking at his food with his fork and looks up at me, " but I never see you eat, you say you eat.. But I feel like you've been losing allot of weight lately. Like you clothes are all big on you, and I don't see much food in the fridge except for the stuff I bring home most of the time, it's like how it was when you were 17. You were really stressed between school, college apps, and trying to get that spot in the Principes... I mean you aren't starv-"