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2,042 words, I'm proud
2 1/2 years ago ------
Woo hoo. 18. I'm finally fucking free. No longer stuck under that god damn roof with my 'parents'.
I have some older friends, college age I met them during the dance camp I did over the summer; the one I paid for all on my fucking own I might add.
To celebrate me turning the age of 18, they finally, finally, agreed to take me to one of their parties.
When we arrive you can hear the music pounding from the outside, I saw one kid run by naked and screaming something. Walking up the steps I nearly step in a pile of vomit. So this is what college parties are like.
People always tell me I look older than I am so most people must have assumed I was a student there, because they accepted me pretty damn well.
And after doing some shot and drinking something in a red cup I ended up doing body shots and a keg stand as everyone shouting "Chug!Chug!Chug!" I had a pretty good alcohol tolerance for my age, probably genetics with the amount my parents drank.
Standing back up I nearly fall over, I walk around not really looking for anything in particular when my eyes fall upon a guy with dark brown hair and eyes, currently trying to sit down in a chair.
Before I can even register what I'm doing my legs are walking- well more like stumbling (a/n he's not that drunk its because he just came out from drinking like a shit ton of beer while in a handstand so his equilibrium is kinda off) - over to him, and because apparently my anxiety doesn't exist nor the possibility of him being straight. I sit on his lap my legs on either side of his hips and my arms wrap around his neck before I bring my head down to ear to whisper 'hi' and then pull away.
When I pull away his eyes are wide and jaw slightly ajar before he quickly composes himself and responds back with a "Well hello yourself" as his eyes look me up and down, traveling across my body before meeting my eye with his own. As he places his hands firmly on my hips (fidgeting with my shirt slightly but I ignore it), he asks me a question that catches me slightly off guard.
"How old are you?" giving me a look over once again
I bring my face a little closer as I whisper "18"
He licks his lips, "How did you even get into this party, bet your still a senior in High School"
"Well," I readjust my self on his lap, moving around a little more than necessary, "I have some college friends I met in dance camp over the summer, and I just turned 18 today so they agreed to finally let me go to a party" I look him in the eye, "and how old are you exactly?"