Episode 7

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Welcome back to Total Drama Homestuck!!!

(SG: So sorry for the wait guys hope enjoy the new update :3 )

-Loud Guitar over speaker-

sG: Alright nerds get your butts out of bed and in the mess hall in 20 minutes!

-Time skip to mess hall-

sG: Alright, today's challenge is something simple

Everyone: -_- what is it?

sG: A simple game of lazer tag. :3

Terezi: Wh4t'2 th3 c4tch ?

sG: Ahhh, Tz as witty as ever, and it's quite simple, you will be playing lazer tag with tasers. X3

Half of the group: Whoooooooa.

Other half: -groans in frustration-

sG: Alright, meet me in the front lawn in 16 minutes.

-sG leaves tent-

-Time skip to front lawn-

sG: Ok, the rules are simple if you get hit with taser three times your out, and no you can't hit the same person three times in a row you need to hit someone else before hitting the person you hit before, first person to out last the others wins their team wins immunity, You guys ready?

sG: Everyone go grab a taser and spread out.

-Everyone does as sG says and is ready in 5 minutes-

sG; Ok, On your mark, Get set, GOOOOOOOOO!!!!

-Everyone runs around tasing each other and laughing, the people who where out in order are, Karkat, Dave, Tavros, Kanaya, Equius, John, Gamzee,Roxy, Nepeta, Jade, Jake, with Sollux as the winner.

Sollux: Whoooooa, 2UCK IIT LO2ER2 -victory dance-


sG: Well, i didn't say he couldn't so ... its fair.

sG: Plus he's on your team so be happy your team got immunity sheesh.

Karkat: Oh, ok whatever -walks over grumpy-

sG: Welp those who lose to the elimination ceremony tonight to cast your votes.

-Time skip brought to you by" you wanted an update?, welp this is what you get"

sG: Ok, plz go cast your votes so we can get this shit over with.

-Everyone cast there votes-

sG: OoooooooK, lets get this show on the road, and the person going home to night is....

sG: Tavros, sorry bud.

Tavros: It's ok, Uhh i'm going to miss you guys and, Uhh i enjoyed being on the show }:D

Gamzee: -hugs- Im GoNna MiSs YoU My WiCkEd BrOtHeR

Tavros: AWww, thanks gamzee,, IMma miss you too -hugs-

John, Jade, Roxy: Awwwwwwww

sG; Ok, O enough with the heart warming shit its ruining my show lets go tav your time is up -pushes Tavros's wheelchair to the boat-

sG; Welp other episode down more to go

Will this TV show get anymore weird, Will I update anymore to just get this story over with, Find out on the next...




*Hey, guys sorry for such the long wait just got no motivation or idea for this story till now, hope ya liked the new update, anyway, starcrossGodtier out..... PEACE :3 *

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